Chapter 34

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"It's time... Supervillians, ATTACK!!"

Ladybug tensed as Hawk Moth's voice rang through the area. Roars erupted from the army of villains as they marched forward, ready to take the building the heroes were standing on, down with them.

The Miraculous gang jumped down from the building and stood on the battlefield right in front of the approaching mass of darkness. Thunder brightened the sky while lightning crackled above the battlefield where the opposing forces were bound to meet sooner or later.

Ladybug pointed to her left and Rena Rouge look her left side while Queen Bee moved to Ladybug's right. Carapace stood in front of the team, his shield raised above his head to defect any surprise attacks.

Chat Noir stood behind Ladybug, guarding their backs in case a villain decided to sneak up on them from behind. His ears flicked as he registered the light tread of footsteps to his right. Chat Noir tensed up but continued to stare straight ahead while positioning his baton horizontally in front of him.

When he was certain the timing was perfect, he pressed down on the little green paw at the centre of the weapon. The silver baton extended to both sides hitting the mysterious figure to Chat's right.


A groan escaped from the person's mouth and Chat Noir left Ladybug's side to grab at the Akumatised object. He crushed the brooch in his palm and watched the Akuma fly away. The evil butterfly got only a few seconds of freedom before Ladybug's yoyo closed around it.

Ladybug turned around to see a girl with short brown hair kneeling on the ground. She lifted her head and looked around, her glasses sliding down her nose. Ladybug nodded at Chat Noir and he carried the girl far away from the battlefield.

Chat Noir returned to Ladybug's side shortly after dropping the girl. A flutter of wings made him look up and he saw Ladybug's yoyo snap around the Akuma. Stormy Weather had been neutralised and she wasted no time before running away. Even though the two villains were taken down, there were more coming at them.

The loud sound of clashing metal echoed as the two forces collided. The defeating sound sent shockwaves across Paris nearly bringing down every building in a five-mile radius. The ground shook as Hawk Moth's army pushed the Miraculous holders back.

Chat Noir parried Riposte while Ladybug defended herself against Frightingale who was trying to attack Ladybug with her whip. Rena Rouge was engaged in heavy combat with her sworn enemy, Volpina while Queen Bee was trying to land a hit on the Evillustrator with her spinning top.

The loud 'CLANG' of metal ran throughout the city of Paris as Chat Noir broke Riposte's sword in two. Ladybug got distracted when she heard the flutter of the Akuma's wings and if it weren't for Chat, she would have been struck by Frightingale's whip.

Ladybug looked at Chat with a grateful look on her face as she swung her yoyo to capture the newly released Akuma.

The battle was continuing without any side seeming to win but with every hit the Miraculous team landed on the Akumas, they retaliated with twice the force.

The Miraculous gang was pushed back but they made no move to surrender. Carapace grunted as he tried to shield everyone from Dark Cupid's attacks at the same time. Seeing that there was no other way to defeat him, Ladybug left the battlefield. She ran in the opposite direction of the battle and rounded a corner.

Dark Cupid was right above her and with a surprise attack from behind, Ladybug knew she could rid Hawk Moth the chance to make more Akumas. Ladybug swung on her yoyo and jumped into the sky. With a flip, she landed on Cupid's back sending him tumbling to the ground with her still attached to him.

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