Chapter 19

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Chat Noir felt contended carrying Marinette in his arms like the princess she was. Placing Marinette on the doorstep to her house, Chat left without a word seeking revenge on her attacker.

Running on the rooftops to where Silencer was, Chat Noir jumped in front of the villain.

"Bee?" Spoke Chat.

Queen Bee emerged from behind Silencer and wrapped her spinning top around the villain. With the dust from the building still in the air, the Miraculous team and their enemy were hidden from view. Dragging Silencer with them, the heroes made their way to an abandoned warehouse. With the media still on Silencer's trail, Chat took some extra precautions to misguide them.

He took some smoke bombs and threw them onto different parts of the city leading the media to wherever the bombs hit. Soon, a few dozen heaving people could be seen after having inhaled too much smoke. With his distraction having worked like a charm, Chat Noir ran back to the warehouse where Silencer was tied to a pole. It was obvious that the villain was exhausted after having toppled an entire building.

Chat Noir worked over to the criminal and grabbed his face forcing the blue-skinned villain to look up.

"You mess with the Parisians, you mess with us." Chat growled.

Queen Bee, Carapace, and Rena Rouge stood behind Chat Noir while Silencer looked up at them with disbelief in his eyes.

"Thought we were gone? Well, we're just getting started." Added Rena Rouge.

Chat Noir pointed at Silencer with two fingers and looked at Carapace. Carapace nodded and checked Silencer's pockets. He handed the guitar pick to Chat Noir who stared at it for a while.

Chat Noir closed his fingers around the guitar pick, crushing it and releasing the Akuma.

"CATACLYSM!" Yelled Chat calling on his superpower, destroying the evil butterfly.

A flash of light interrupted the team. Chat Noir turned around to see a man holding a camera, shaking with fear. Before Chat could even process what happened, the man ran away hugging his camera tightly to his chest.

"Well. It's about time our appearance became the news headlines once again." Carapace smiled.

"What should we do with him?" Asked Rena Rouge.

"Leave him here. He deserves it." Chat replied.

Queen Bee shrugged and left the warehouse. Rena Rouge and Carapace followed with Chat dragging himself to the exit.

"Not planning on heading home?" Asked Carapace.

"You guys go ahead. I have something to take care of."

Carapace shrugged and left the building not bothering to find out what his best friend was up to. Chat walked up to Luka who was only standing upright because of the ropes binding him to the pole. Chat walked over to the blue-haired boy and grabbed his hair.

"Don't think I didn't see you try and hurt an innocent Parisian girl. Not once, but twice. Mess with the innocent people again and you'd never know what hit you." Growled Chat.

Chat let go of the boy and ran out of the shed to find a safe place to detransform.

"Cheese." Mewled Plagg.

Adrien offered two pieces of cheese to his kwami.

"Eat up, Plagg. We can't stay here much longer. Nadja will come here any second now."

Plagg gulped down his cheese and rubbed his tummy.

"Good to go."

"Plagg! Claws out!" Yelled Adrien feeling the familiar leather wrap around his body encasing him in a tight yet protective suit. (Does that sound dirty? IDK. Depends on how you read it. We all got dirty minds so don't worry. I feel you.)

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