Chapter 18

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Adrien watched as Marinette walked away into the distance. It had been a pure coincidence when he had met Marinette but now, he was actually thankful for Plagg. He was brought back into reality when Luka groaned on the ground at Adrien's feet. Adrien growled and kicked the boy once more in the head, successfully making the blue-haired boy pass out.

Adrien dragged the boy all the way to the police station. On the way there, Adrien made sure to disguise himself as Felix. After dealing with the police officers and watching them throw the boy into jail, Felix left the station.

"Sir? Do you mind giving a report of what happened?" Asked one of the police officers jogging up to Felix.

Felix nodded and went back inside. Taking a seat as requested, he relayed everything that happened and promised to bring Marinette to the police station for further details. After finally leaving the station, Adrien walked back home. Master Fu had strictly prohibited him from transforming into Chat Noir for a few more days. He had been so miserable that Plagg had decided to force Adrien to go out.

"Thanks, Plagg," Adrien whispered onto his jacket removing his Felix disguise.

"Nope." Came Plagg's tiny voice.

"What?" Asked Adrien looking around to check whether someone noticed him talking to himself.

"You can appreciate my great wisdom while worshipping me with twelve wheels of Camembert. Then and only then will I accept your humble offerings and appreciation. Oh! And you can call me Plagg, the great Master of all kwamis! from now on." Announced Plagg.

Adrien rolled his eyes at the kwami's antics.

"Alright, the greatest and cutest master of them all. Lead the way home! Cause I have no idea how to get there!"

Plagg snickered and offered his help to Adrien.

"Turn left, right, left, and left again." Advised Plagg.

Adrien did as told and ended up in an alleyway.

"Plagg!" Adrien yelled.

"Yes...?" Asked Plagg innocently.

"One less wheel of Camembert for you."

"No! How dare you!" Plagg gasped.

Adrien folded his arms and looked at Plagg straight in the eyes.

"Fine. I'll take you home." Sighed the kwami.

"The correct road this time," Adrien added.

"The correct road this time," Plagg said.

An hour later, Adrien reached home successfully with Plagg only getting six wheels of Camembert.

"Why do you do me like this?" Asked Plagg stuffing his face with cheese.

"You led me into six alleys, two rivers, and a backyard with about ten girls in the Jacuzzi! Do you have any idea how embarrassed I was?! You don't even deserve six wheels!" Shouted Adrien covering his flushed face.

Plagg sighed and sat down on one of Adrien's shelves. They were in their new room upstairs directly below the living room. Adrien fell onto his bed and sighed happily.

"I finally got to meet her, Plagg. It's been so long."

"If I yelled my superpower out and destroyed this room, do you think you'll survive?" Asked Plagg.

"Huh? Why?"

"Nothing. FYI, I'm actually tempted to do it so SHUT YOUR MOUTH WHILE I EAT MY BELOVED CHEESE!!"

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