Chapter 28

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Marinette woke up the next day with nothing but darkness in front of her. She panicked and her heart began to pick up speed but the pair of arms that wrapped around her thin frame made her feel safe.

Last night when they had gotten home, none of the Miraculous holders had been there. Chat Noir had panicked wondering whether the city was under attack but when all of them returned with smug looks on their faces, he had known everything was fine.

Marinette and Chat noir lay in bed for a while before Marinette's stomach started to growl. Chat Noir snickered under his breath and tried to drag Marinette out of the bed. When she finally agreed, Chat Noir left the room, waiting for Marinette to get dressed. (What you think happened did not happen! K?)

Marinette joined the rest of the Miraculous holders at the table and just as she was about to bite into a fluffy pancake, Master Fu showed up.

"Chat Noir? I need to talk to you. "

Master Fu left the room with Chat Noir following him. Marinette glanced at the other who shrugged not knowing what was going on.

"Master?" Asked Chat Noir when Master Fu stopped right in front of the photo of them smiling at the camera.

Master Fu turned around and looked Chat Noir straight in the eye. He walked towards him and placed his hands on Chat's arms making Chat look right into Master Fu's eyes.

"It's time." Spoke Master Fu.

With that, Master Fu walked away. Chat Noir stared at his Master's receding figure and looked down at the box sitting on his palm.

"It's time..."

"Chat! Emergency!!" Cried Carapace from the living room.

Chat Noir ran to the living room while pocketing the box. The TV was on and the news was showing Volpina attacking innocent people with her illusions.

"I hate that fox." Said Rena Rouge with gritted teeth.

Marinette kept on looking between Rena Rouge and Volpina with a confused look in her eyes. When she heard Chat Noir approach them, she dropped her pancake onto her plate and walked over to him.

"What's going on? Is the city under attack?" She asked.

Chat Noir nodded and pulled her in for a quick hug.

"We'll be back." He said.

He released Marinette from the hug and ran upstairs taking the steps three at a time. He ran to his room and hid the box in one of his drawers. He ran out of his room and jumped off the top floor. He landed on his feet in front of Marinette and brushed his fingers through his hair.

"Show off..." Grumbled Marinette with a smile playing on her lips.

Queen Bee laughed and stuck her tongue out at Chat. Chat Noir rolled his eyes and did his famous 'blep'. Marinette awed with hearts in her eyes.

Chat Noir nodded at his team and they ran outside leaving Chat Noir with Marinette. Chat Noir walked out of the house with Marinette by his side. He turned around and placed his hands on Marinette's shoulders.

"Stay here. You'll be safe."

Marinette pouted but nodded. Chat Noir walked away but turned around. He pointed at Marinette and winked.

"Oh and don't touch the Camembert. Plagg won't like it. Trust me."

Marinette giggled and walked over to Chat Noir. She reached for his hands and intertwined her fingers with his. She held his hands close to her chest and kissed them.

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