Sadie POV: He finally understands (I hope)

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It has been so long since I updated the real story...

I am sorry for that, but hey! Guess who got herself together, and wrote the net two chapters?


so i'll let you guys dive into it.




"Sadie" he sighed, and it was like barbed wire was tightened around my chest. "I don't think you should've left."

I stared at him for a second in disbelief, and he held my gaze. I wasn't able to breathe.  Did this mean he wouldn't have left? Or that he didn't want to see me again, and that it bothered him how I showed totally unexpectedly? He saw how hurt and confused I was, so he immediately started explaining.

"I meant that you would've had a much better and  easier life without me in it..." he stammered, and I rolled my eyes at him. He still believed that.

"Anubis... you are such a moron" I said in a loving voice, totally controversial to my words.

"I love you. And you know that. There is nothing that can convince me otherwise. And as long as  I have a say about it, I am going to have you in my life, because I want it that way." I took a big breath (I only used one during my monologue) "... and if you don't want me around, just say that, but stop these nonsense comments of me having a better life!" I huffed, and he cracked a smile, which melted me into a puddle.

"Or you know what?" I asked unexpectedly "You must be right."  A flash of pain, then acceptance appeared in his eyes, and I couldn't help but stumble into the fact that he is incredibly insecure about me.

"It might be an easier life. But it'll never be the better and happier one. Never the one I choose, I guarantee that. You understand that? " I tell him in a stern voice, but I know that I am begging him to finally get that I was his. That sounds so sappy. But nevertheless, it is true.

He looked like he had given up, and yet, he radiated a grateful feeling.  I felt like this time, it went through, that he (finally) understands that he is all I could ask for, all I ever wanted.

He stood up, and pulled me along with him, them looked me deep in my eye, and I felt electricity run through my body at his intense glare.

"I do" he answered, and this time, I felt like he was trying to convince me that he really does get it this time.

"Good." I breathed, hypnotized by his soft look. I felt dizzy as he placed his lips on mine, as if he was sealing the deal we just closed.

*time skip (don't wanna spoil the romance  xdd )*

We spent the rest of the day cuddling and catching up. I also talked to Carter that everything was fine etc, since I didn't want to put him through the previous trauma this time.

We agreed that I would stay in the Duat, and I would get a room to stay in. This situation seemed extremely unrealistic at first, but I soon got used to it. I mean, it wasn't hard getting used to having a hot guy around, who I could kiss whenever I wanted to. I also loved the fact that I got to spend a lot of one-on-one time with Mum when the boys were working. I also switched to home school so I could keep up with class. (Just because I was a magician, I couldn't escape school... quite sad honestly...)

 Time passed, and there was always a small prick in my chest, that I was very ashamed, but aware of.


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