Chapter 16- ER Visit

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Ashton's POV

"baby, C'mere," I said. Kinsley came over to me, stopping to sneeze before she was right in front of me. Her skin was definitely warm, I don't know what could have caused this. I looked up to Aiden to see concern flooding his eyes. She was wheezing a bit. I knew we had to leave right away. Luckily we live less than 10 minutes away from the hospital. "Aid, grab my car keys, we're gonna go now." I instantly saw realization flashed through his eyes as he knew what I meant. I rushed out to my car that I heard Aid just unlock and buckled Kins into her car seat. He threw me the car keys and rushed to sit in the back with Kinsley.

Her symptoms weren't deadly right now and I figured all along it would be quicker to get there myself rather than call an ambulance and wait for them to arrive. That didn't mean I wasn't panicking on the inside because I definitely was. Aiden was keeping Kinsley distracted in the back seat even though you could see her confused face that had a little fear on it. Aiden was holding her hands so she wouldn't scratch herself. I overheard Aiden say this to Kins as we were less than five minutes from the hospital. "You're being so brave, princess! I think you're just having a reaction to something. Someone's gonna make you feel all better!" I smiled as I looked in the rearview mirror to see the interaction.

Three minutes from the hospital, her symptoms seemed to be the same, not getting too much worse. I'm relieved, I was hoping the ride there wouldn't be a mistake but she seems to be okay for now. She just looks out the window as I drive down the streets closer to the hospital. Aiden was talking to her about how she could snuggle with Bear once this was all over.

I pull into the hospital parking lot and I don't know how but am so relieved there's a spot near where the entrance to the ER is. That never happens especially at hospitals when they are always busy all day but especially in the mid-morning, early afternoon time frame. I parked quickly and jumped out of the car seeing Aiden already unbuckled Kins and handed her to me as he rushed out of the car and we quickly went to the automatic doors to enter the Emergency Room.

Kinsley is in my arms wheezing slightly more with that pink tinge that was on her face being more pronounced and her eyes watering heavily now. A male nurse sees us enter and doesn't really even need to ask if he can see Kinsley and how urgent the situation seems to be. He presses a button on the side of the front desk and another nurse appears seconds later. I start speaking not wasting any time, "This is Kinsley, she's three. She has asthma but we think she's reacting to something please help." The original nurse takes her from me and carries her into a room not far away. The other nurse directs us to follow and starts asking questions about what she ate, what she was doing, how long she's been having symptoms, and what they seemed to be. Aiden steps up and answers all the questions since he had eyes on her all morning while I was doing work still.

Inside the room, the nurse gave Kins an injection of epinephrine and told us it should take a few minutes but she should start feeling better. I'm so thankful we don't live so far away from hospitals for when emergencies like this happen. I had to fill out the paperwork with all her information, or at least the limited things I did know. Luckily just having had that doctor's appointment made some of it easier. After about ten minutes I was surprisingly finished with the small pile of papers. The male nurse that first helped us, I finally found his name to be Ben, had been super kind, keeping Kinsley entertained and just talking with Aiden and her about animals and cartoons, basically whatever he felt she would know. It was cute to watch my baby sister interact with new people, Ben seemed only to be in his mid to late 20s. He was very kind and seemed great with kids.

They wanted us to stay for a while since she had experienced so many symptoms of an allergic reaction for her age. Luckily it wasn't super severe but not considered mild either.

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