Chapter 8- Bee

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Brandon's POV

        "B? Come on wake up, I have to go to work" is what I woke up to this morning hearing Ashton said. I peeled my eyes open to see Kinsley sleeping snuggled into my chest, with Bear cuddled on my side. Then I remembered I asked Ashton to wake me up before he left for work so I could be up for when my little bumblebee woke up. "Morning Ash, thanks for waking me up," I said back quietly to hopefully keep Kins asleep. "Yeah, no problem. I'm leaving for work now everyone should be out of the house by 7:30 am, like I said yesterday I should be home around 11:30 am, okay?" and I just nodded and he left my room, quietly shutting the door.

        As much as I wanted to sit against the headboard of my bed, I didn't wanna wake up the little girl sleeping on my chest, so I pulled my phone out from under my pillow and decided to play a game on my phone. I'm playing Scrabble, cause why not? Until I feel Kins move slightly, I check the time and it's only been 15 mins since Ash woke me up. I placed my phone on my nightstand and started to run my hands through bumblebee's hair. These adorable baby blue eyes were looking up at me for a couple of seconds before they fluttered shut, only until about a minute passed and they were open again. I decided now I would speak softly to the little cutie who just woke up, "good morning bumblebee. Ready to spend the morning with me?" A yawn escaped her mouth before her large baby eye met my face and she barely audibly whispered "m-mmhmm B-bee, I ready!" We stayed there for a few more minutes until I knew she was awake a little more.

        I spoke to Kins, "Ready to go downstairs? We can find you a little cartoon" and she gave me a little nod, so I slid out of the covers and got up, Bear instantly jumped off my bed too ready to follow us. I picked Kinsley up, bringing her downstairs to the living room and setting her on the sofa. I found the remote and scrolled through some channels until I found Bubble Guppies and put it on.

Kinsley's POV

        Bee put on Bubble Guppies and I was so happy! He sat on the sofa with me but he wasn't watching it like I was, "B-bubba!" I said to get him to look at me. He jumped when I said that but then looked at me with a smile, "Shhh it's still early no need to yell. I'm right here, what do you need bumblebee?" I smiled at him calling me bumblebee, "B-bee bee, y-you h-have t-t-to watch i-it!" I said while pointing to the fishies on the screen. He looked at me and made the 'O' face with his mouth and made that *gasp* sound, causing me to laugh, "Oh you're right! I'm sorry Kins, here see I'm watching" and then he looked at the screen.

3rd Person POV

        The toddler couldn't help but smile at her bubba watching the screen filled with the "talking fishies" as she refers to Bubble Guppies. She stood up on the sofa from where she was then moved to sit in Brandon's lap. Brandon smiled down at his baby sister, she was just too cute for this world, and he loved that he got to spend this morning with her. He was happy when he found out Kins existed, but also sad that he and his brothers have missed almost 3 years of her life. He never expected to be a big brother to a little sister, but he secretly always wanted a little sister. I mean who wouldn't with how adorable Kinsley is?

        They stayed watching more of her little cartoon until they heard Cole and Carter come down the stairs. "C-coley! C-car Car!" the little girl of the house squealed before running up and giving her youngest older brothers hugs. They both gave her soft smiles before saying morning to her and Brandon. They had to leave to be able to get to school on time, they walked and it was a couple of blocks away so it took about 10 minutes to get there. Cole said, "Alright cutie, We have to go to school, but you have fun with Brandon! We'll be back once we are done with school" and then Carter added, "Yeah but we'll see you later princess" She picked her hand up and waved 'bye bye' to her brothers.

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