Chapter 3- Movie Night

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3rd POV continued

Bear was still barking loudly with a few growls in between, which happens every time someone rings the doorbell. Ashton scoops up Kinsley and starts to rock her while walking towards the kitchen counter to get his wallet. Once getting the money he starts to head to the hallway leading to the front door where he sees Brandon talking to the pizza guy. Kinsley whimpers as she sees the big doggie barking loudly and Noah holding Bear back so he doesn't end up tackling the delivery guy. The little girl doesn't wanna go anywhere near the dog right now, so she starts to squirm and whimper, Ashton takes note and calls for Aiden quickly. Aiden arrives and takes the toddler from Ash and heads back to the kitchen/dining room part of the house. Aiden calms his sister down in the kitchen, while Ashton pays for the pizza and gives thanks to the delivery man before closing the door.

All the boys go to the dining room table where Bear follows them after seeing the pizza go with the boys. Kinsley is still on Aidens hip, hugging her arms around his neck with her head on his shoulder.

Noah walks up to the pair and takes his sister from Aiden, "you alright lovie? The doggy just got a little protective of us so he wanted to see who was at the door, but he was loud huh bubs?" Noah says. The youngest agrees with her bubba, "mmm, w-why s-so loud?" the little girl wonders. "I don't know lovie. Wanna sit with me for lunch?" Noah asks. "Uh-huh p'ease b-bubba I wants to s-sit with you " she says.

At the dining room table, there are 8 seats, 7 are occupied and Kinsley is sitting on Noah's lap like they planned. All the boys grab plates and put at least 2 pizza slices on their plate, Noah grabs a plate and a small slice for Kinsley and helps feed her first before he eats. Kinsley just looks at the slice of cheese pizza in front of her, wondering why it isn't in small pieces but doesn't say anything. All the boys are already eating their pizza and Noah helps Kinsley lift her pizza and brings it to her mouth. She takes a big bite and doesn't realize how hot it is, so it burns her mouth and she spits out the bite she just took onto the plate. "W-why h-hot? Ouchie" the little girl says. Noah then says "Oh bubs I'm sorry, I don't think it was that hot. Here let me cut it up into pieces so it's not so hot okay?" He then gets up from his chair with Kinsley and goes to the kitchen to grab a fork and knife before returning to the table. He quickly cuts up the pizza for Kinsley and lets her pick up the pieces and feed herself while he grabs his pizza slices and eats his own lunch.

The boys have a casual conversation discussing that they are going shopping tomorrow afternoon to get Kinsley some things and get groceries for the week. Along with some home improvements they need to make the house toddler safe for their little sister. All while they're talking Bear creeps up near the chair where Noah has Kinsley sitting with him, hoping to get some pizza from the little girl who doesn't know any better not to feed the dog. Sure enough, Kinsley starts to give pieces of her cut-up pizza to Bear and giggles as he tickles her hand.

Noah gets out of the conversation after hearing giggles to realize what is happening "Uh-uh Kins we don't feed Bear your pizza" Kinsley looks up to her big brother with a pout "why b-bubba? Beary wans p-pizza too! It i-is ummy" she says. The other boys join the conversation once they realize what was happening.

Ash speaks, "Sweetheart it's not good to feed him your food. You need to eat so your tummy gets full, Bear has his own food"

Aiden follows Ash by saying, "Yeah princess, it's your food to eat baby"

Kinsley still pouts and starts to gather tears in her eyes "M-mummy s-said t-t-t-to a-always sh-sh-share" and then she bursts into sobs "W-w-wann M-mommyyyy" at this Bear gets closer to the little girl who was still sitting in Noah's lap and tries to get closer and sniff her to see why she's crying. Ashton got up from his seat and went to take Kinsley to try to calm her down before her breathing got bad.

Ashton's POV

I knew it was gonna be hard my baby, she's too little to understand why her mommy disappeared. I can't imagine what she was doing and how she was living with her parents for the past 3 years, all I can do now is give her the stability she should have always had. I just picked her up from Noah who has tears in his eyes, all the boys at the table do. I wanna cry too, but I have to get this princess to calm down before she can't breathe and starts coughing. "Shhh shhh baby, you're gonna be okay. Sharing is the right thing to do, just not sharing food with the doggy right now okay?" She's calmed down a little, but not enough. I'm gonna take her up to my room, in a second. "Hey boys, can you clean up lunch and put everything away for me please? And can one of you take the sippy cup she just used for lunch, empty it, and fill it with warm milk and bring it up to me? Thank you, I'm gonna take her up to my room" I say. I walk up the stairs still shushing her and bouncing her a little, and her sobbing dies down to some sniffles. I sit down on my bed against my headboard with Kinsley on my lap and I rub her back, "you feeling better precious? You got yourself all upset, huh? I know everything is all too big and confusing for you sweetness" She doesn't answer me, but I didn't really expect a response anyways, she's still calming down.

After a couple of minutes Brandon comes up with the milk for Kinsley who immediately reaches for it "here you go bumblebee, you feel better?" he asks her. She stays silent but looks up at him and nods her head slightly. I run my fingers through her soft blonde hair and talk to Brandon, "thanks for bringing that up, I think she is just tired now. She really wore herself out with all those tears." He agrees with me, he sits on the edge of the bed and we watch as Kinsley drinks her milk. "You tired baby?" I ask. She just responds with "mmmm" she was napping when she first got here so I don't think she should have another one or else she won't sleep tonight. I can already tell her sleeping tonight is gonna be a little difficult, so I think we'll just watch some movies and keep her up that way until dinner. "B? Can you downstairs and ask the boys if they wanna do a movie night with Kinsley tonight? I'm gonna bring her down to watch some movies in a few minutes so tell them they can join if they want." Brandon leaves the room and so I talk to Kinsley who is now completely calm and not looking as sleepy as she did several minutes ago. "Hey baby, you finish your milk?" I take the sippy cup from her hands. "What's your favorite movie, I know you have one princess" She looks up at me with the cutest little thinking face and then tells her favorite is "Finding Nemo" so I tell her that we'll watch it first. She gives the best smile that just melts my heart. I stand up and put her on my hip and walk downstairs to see the boys on the sofa in the living room set up for movies.

3rd Person POV (again)

Ashton tells the boys to put on Finding Nemo, and that's how they spend the next hour and forty minutes until they decide to watch Finding Dory too. They ate dinner while watching movies which consisted of them eating chicken nuggets and pizza rolls they found in the freezer since they knew it was something their baby sister would actually eat. They finished Finding Dory which took two hours and then saw Kinsley was getting really tired and struggling to keep her eyes open. They decide she'll sleep in Ashton's bed since he's been able to calm her down the most, and that she's almost falling asleep on his chest now anyways. All the boys still plan on staying up since it's only around eight o'clock, but Ash doesn't mind going to sleep early. The other boys remain in the living room and start watching movies more fit to their age and choose action movies. Ash puts Kinsley in the one pair of pj's she had in her backpack then lays her in his bed as he goes to his bathroom and changes before scooping the little girl up and putting her head on his chest and trying to fully put her to sleep. "I love you, baby. All your bubbas and I do! Sweet dreams" The toddler barely responds with how tired she is, but she manages to mumble out "l-love ou t-too bubba" She was almost out cold when she remembers her elephant security blanket, Ellie, that she always sleeps with isn't here. She barely says "E-el..." but she was too tired to try and wake herself up, with her brother rubbing her back. So, she ends up just falling asleep in the comfort of her eldest brother's arms and doesn't wake up at all until the morning since she really was just that tired.

Word Count: 1658 words

Published: 02/19/2021

Thank you for reading! There might be some typing mistakes from me just typing too fast, lol. Feel free to correct me and I'll fix it, I am quite a grammar fanatic but often make my own mistakes. Hope you liked this chapter, should have another one posted tomorrow at some point :)

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