Chapter 12- 'bye-bye'

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Kinsley's POV


I thought mommy would be here before daddy was. Daddy was always busy and 'grumpy' as mommy used to say. I miss mommy more, but I still love daddy too. I was holding Ashie's hands as I walked down the steps with him. I missed daddy of course I did, but I want mommy not him. I still think it would be rude not to hug him, but I don't know if I want to yet. Do I wanna hug him? I stopped walking and Ashie seemed to hold my hands a little more than before. Almost like he didn't want to let me go, that's silly it's just daddy. He wouldn't hurt me, silly Ashie. Daddy looks up at me with a smile, "C'mere Kinsley. Daddy missed you so much, baby."

I didn't move though. Ashie crouched down to my height and whispered in my ear like a secret. It made me giggle from the weird feeling of him whispering in my ear, "You can go hug him if you want, but if you don't want to that's fine too. Okay, sweetheart?" Ashie said to me, and I gave a little nod. I walked a little closer to daddy...but stopped. "Kinsie come on, can't daddy have a hug?" I looked up at him and he seemed a little sad, so I walked up to him and gave him a hug, he picked me up the second I got near him. "There's my little baby," he said and tickled my tummy. My giggles got loud and I saw Bear come running, he's my favorite. I love Bear, he is so cute. Bear started barking at daddy though, I don't think he was inside before or he would have barked at him before now.

Lukas walked in laughing at how Bear was barking, I don't know why it's funny. Bear is being silly. "Daddy, d-down" He looked at me weirdly before placing me on the ground. Bear came up to me and gave me kissies. He's so cute even though he treats me like an ollie-pop. Bear went over to daddy and started barking at him again, Aiden finally stepped in and told Bear to stop it though. Lukas came and picked me up though and was playing around with me spinning me. Ashie came over to me though and said to Lulu more than to me, "Why don't you two go into the living room, hmmm?" I looked confused but Lulu nodded to Ashie and we walked away to the living room to go sit with Coley and Car-Car!

3rd Person POV

 Lukas walked away with his baby sister leaving the four oldest and the 'father' to discuss matters even though all of the boys were old enough to listen.  Someone needed to distract Kinsley some, so they had the youngest do that. Jacob didn't want his daughter leaving him, but right now causing a scene in front of her would only frighten her and he would not be doing that. Ashton took the lead and asked if they could talk on the front porch, away from the little ears. Hesitation was immediate in Jacob's eyes but he figured the more cooperative he was, the more it would benefit him. Out on the porch they stood in a circle as they were going to discuss tonight's appearance.

"I know she's your child. Trust me we all do. You showing up when you feel like isn't gonna work though, she won't understand if you just show up randomly." Ashton said, and the others agreed while Jacob's face hardened at that claim. "You don't know that. My kid, my choices. I know how much you love her already but Lily and I were doing a fine job and that's that" Jacob said. Brandon spoke next, "She may be your daughter, that's true. What about the sons you walked away from without a look back? We want her safe and we can help with that. You obviously aren't well, let's get that right. You need to find your priorities, your bloodshot eyes, and alcohol breath say that you have other things in mind" The brothers stood there not knowing what to say, they didn't really anticipate this from Brandon. Jacob stood motionless with a hurt expression but had nothing to say back. Every claim about him was true.

Moments passed as everyone looked back from each other and waited for a reply from Jacob. "She needs her mother and her father. I've made some wrong choices, she's still my little girl though. She belongs with me" Aiden replied this time, "that may be true. We aren't necessarily keeping her from you. You just need to get your act together more and we can set up times for you to see her if you so choose to get it together" Jacob stood gaping at them, he didn't want to fight them. He couldn't but he didn't want to walk away from his daughter either, but did he really want to take this up in court or something to that extent? He didn't know yet. He needed to at least say goodbye for now though. "Let me say bye for now?" The boys all mindlessly nodded it was right. They would do anything for Kinsley and him appearing and not saying 'goodbye' would probably mess with her little head. Kinsley had already gone through enough she needed to not just be torn apart.

The group entered the house again and walked toward the living room. Once again it was a cute sight to see, this time Kinsley was all curled up on Cole's lap and was playing with his hands and comparing how small her little hands were. She loved to do this recently with her bubbas, her hands were always so small in comparison to them though. Bear as always was keeping watch on the other side of the room watching Kinsley at all times. The brothers and their sister sitting in the living room looked up to see the older brothers and Jacob standing in the doorway. Aiden walked over to Kinsley this time and picked her up from Cole's lap, "Hey princess. Daddy has to go now, you wanna say 'bye-bye' to him?" Kinsley nodded her head and leaned against Aiden's shoulder as he carried her over to Jacob. She reached for him to which Jacob immediately took her into his arms and gave her a loving hug. Bear stood up from where he was but Carter immediately stopped him. This dog's overprotectiveness of the little girl is strong. As cute as it is, can also be much at times. They were comfortable knowing that he would always keep her safe though. 

As sad as it is, this is probably one of the sweetest moments shared by Kinsley and her father. Kinsley wasn't really given her father's attention so she was soaking up this moment. After a few moments of them hugging, Jacob finally started talking to Kinsley. "Baby, I have to go now. Daddy loves you so much though, Mommy does too. Okay? Don't ever forget that" He finished it with a bunch of kisses to the top of her head. Also adding a few all over her face to create another session of giggles from her. "B-b-bye-bye, D-daddy." Kinsley said and gave him one more hug before she was set down.

Much to Kinsley's brothers' surprise tears didn't start to build up in her eyes when 'Daddy' started to leave. She seemed okay which they didn't expect. They were ready for the tears that appeared when 'Mommy' left. That didn't happen though, she was simply fine after the hug. Aiden walked Jacob out after Kinsley said goodbye and the rest of the brothers went back to the living room. It wasn't long before Aiden came back inside and joined in the living room.

Kinsley was sitting in Ashton's lap and her eyes were slowly getting tired. It was approaching her bedtime and I mean she was only three. She gets tired pretty easily, so it was to be expected that she would start yawning. Luckily she was already in her pajamas from before Jacob arrived, so she was all ready to get some rest now.

Ashton started to rub Kinsley's back hoping to get her to fall asleep easier. She seemed to be fighting it and try to stay awake, but she needed to sleep. Noah got up from the sofa and left the room returning a minute later with not only Sir Snuggles but Ellie too. He set them in Kinsley's arms as she snuggled further into Ashton's side. "T-tank ou N-No N-No" she mumbled. Just before falling asleep on Ashton's lap, she said good night to all her bubbas before she went to sleep fully. 

The next day Noah had off and he would watch her. They were going to set up a schedule for who would watch her daily. They would also find a daycare where she could go a couple of times a week. They just hadn't gotten around to it yet as they tried to settle Kinsley and get her acclimated with them first.  

Word Count: 1528 Words

Published on: 04/04/2021

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