Narrowing his sockets, the skeleton monster stood in front of Frisk as he said "Look, you can't have her okay? She..." He stopped and looked at Frisk for a moment. Giving her a small smile and she returned that smile. Turning back to stare at the man before him, the monster continued. "She loves me, and I love her. I won't let you take her away from me. She doesn't want to go with you."

"Oh, she'll come with me... no matter if she wants to or not!" Zander then pulled out a gun in that moment. Sans stared with his sockets widening as he stared. Time itself almost seemed to slow down in that moment.

Sans couldn't help but stare at the man before him in a great deal of shock. His SOUL was pulsing within his chest, almost as if it was about to burst with his magic as it was overflowing through his system. His entire body started to feel warm, and it was only getting warmer and warmer. Till it was nearly searing through his bones as he was starting to breathe heavily. This man, he wanted to shoot Frisk, or just him. Both? He didn't know, and there was no way in hell, he would allow that to happen.

"Once I take care of you, I can take Frisk for myself. Unless... she still refuses me then I can just get rid of her." Zander's smile turned twisted, and cruel. It was as if all trace of his sanity had left him in that moment. The thought of Frisk being with his man, by force... how he would... no, no he wouldn't allow that to happen. He wouldn't allow such a thing to happen to Frisk.

Clenching his hands into tight fists, Sans felt himself shaking at the moment. Unsure if it was his magic, his rage toward this man or something else entirely. There was just no way that he could be sure on what it was that was happening. Was Zander going to try to use Frisk for his own personal gain? To use her for whatever sick fantasies that he could have in his head? No, there was no way that he would be allowed to do this.

Trying to retain what little composure that he had left, Sans managed to get out "What do you plan to do? What are you going to do with Frisk? Do you think that she would go with you willingly? Even if you killed me? There is no way that you'd be able to get her to do as you please. Frisk is a tough woman and she won't put up with your shit."

"Oh, she will... I'll make sure that she does. Women are meant to do as a man says, doesn't matter how strong willed they are. Women, as everyone knows deep down want to be owned by a man." Zander said with a laugh, which turned into some kind of insane laugh. This man had truly lost his mind, what the hell was going on here? How could he have lost so much of his mind in such a short amount of time? It normally takes years for this to even happen. Unless this has been something that happened for a few years already and this had been the final snap.

"You sick, racist, sexist pig!" Sans roared out, his magic flaring more in his anger and rage. No, he couldn't allow Frisk to get hurt, he would fight, and he would protect her in that moment. Before he knew what had happened, his form started to contort itself, he felt his bones breaking, reforming, and reshaping itself before he let out another roar and rushed at Zander.

Of course, Zander pulled the trigger at Sans. The bullet's almost seemed to move past the monster, or more likely, through his skeleton. Soon, the monster's magic formed a plasma body, creating what could be best described as a muscle system, most likely to create more muscles for Sans to give him more strength. At least in his beast form.

Zander of course, ran out of the way, hoping to get room to strike at Sans with his gun. The beast of course snarled and growled as he rushed at Zander. The man, human as he was, could only be so fast compared to a beast. The human of course tried to get a good shot in.

The beast had managed to pin Zander to the ground, snarling and growling at him as he snapped his jaws. Hoping to either scare him, or maybe bite his arm so Zander couldn't use his arm for the time being. Though it seemed that Zander had other plans as he quickly whipped out the gun and pressed it against Sans' skull. Getting ready to shoot him in the head.

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