Chapter 18: The Prodigal's Tale

Start from the beginning

"I'll enjoy watching that," Tassan said skeptically. He withdrew to the other side of the room, pulled out Darice's comlink, and began issuing orders softly.

Tirqwin sat down on the edge of the bed and smoothed a stray strand of Sabrina's pale hair away from her forehead. She was tossing her head back and forth restlessly, murmuring in distress. "Sabrina," he called softly. "Sabrina, it is Tirqwin. I am here, and you are safe."

"Tirqwin's at Deltarr," she muttered, "can't even talk to him, don't know if he's all right."

"I am fine," he said, "and so is Khediva, and so will Mara be when she wakes. You are the only one we have to be worried about right now."

"Mara shouldn't've done it...don't know if Scotty's clear...."

Tirqwin frowned. This kind of sleep could not be doing her much good, he decided. He took her shoulders and shook her slightly, calling, "Sabrina. Sabrina, wake up!"

Sabrina woke with a gasp, instinctively shrinking back against her pillows until her vision cleared. "Tirqwin!" she cried, throwing her arms around him.

"Sabrina, my dear," he said, patting her on the back. "I came as soon as I could."

"Is Homeworld gone, then?"

"Yes. I do not know what has been happening here since Mara fell asleep, but I thought you might be needing me. Sabrina, I am so sorry about Rayland. I know you were fond of him."

"He was so kind. I really felt like he was my father." Her voice was muffled against his tunic. "They stabbed him right in front of me. The Reissians meant to assassinate us both."

"Ssh. It does no good to dwell on it," he said. He saw movement nearby and looked up to encounter a reproachful glare from Tassan.

Sabrina must also have sensed there was someone else, for she pulled back and sat up on her own, rubbing at her eyes. "Oh, Tassan! You stayed."

"I promised you I would," he said, his expression softening. "I kept watch while Darice slept."

"Good." Sabrina glanced over to where her bodyguard still lay asleep. "Poor Darice, I've dragged her to hell and back."

Tirqwin gave a little smile and leaned forward conspiratorially. "Khediva is scolding dreadfully, appalled at the state you have gotten into," he said. "She is demanding that I bring you aboard so she can nurse you back to health."

"I'm fine," Sabrina said, "but thank her for me. I wish I could, but I mustn't leave the planet. At least not while Mara's unconscious."

"She will wake soon," Tirqwin predicted. "At which time, if you do not come with me, I shall have to leave you in the capable hands of your fierce watchdog, here."

Sabrina followed his glance to Tassan. "Oh. Haven't you two met? Tirqwin, this is Tassan Nikolar, the Citizens Council representative from Zarn. He's part of the Dansestari militia at the moment. He was part of my escort to the Homeworld fleet and helped fight off the Reissian landing at the Residence. Tassan, this is Tirqwin, the Lord Consort."

"He did manage to impart that much before I could shoot him," Tassan said dryly.

"And to make up for it, he lectured me soundly for my tardiness," Tirqwin added, equally dry.

"Oh, dear," Sabrina sighed. "Can't anybody around here get along? Tirqwin, Imari's threatened to fight me for the regency. She—she called me all kinds of dreadful things, and—"

"Mara will nip that in the bud when she wakes," Tirqwin said. "You are not to worry about it. Now more than ever you are needed on the throne. No one else could have talked Homeworld into even a temporary alliance." He smiled. "I am dying to know how you did it."

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