"No I recognise these names but they all live in Whitechapel" I mumbled concerned.

I read them all "The victim of Jack the Ripper was someone I knew" I informed them.

They all immediately got concerned "Do you need a hug?" Fred asked me.

He then panicked when he noticed we were all looking at him "Please do" I held out my arms and I got a nice hug from him.

I started to explain who the victim was after "She was a prostitute and I only met her once but she was so thankful when my family made a food bank when we had a food shortage in London."

"The ones who sent me the letters are all scared about the murder and are asking if they can help me at all to bring justice to her death" I explained.

"We will get justice for her" Louis reassured me and was bent down in front of me with my hands in his.

"Thank you" I grinned.

"I would like all of you to work on something together today" William spoke up as Louis stood back up.

"Together? You mean, her too?!" Moran complained, "Well at least (name) will be there."

"No she will not be, I need her here" William retorted and put his hand on mine.

Moran went all sulky again "As the senior operative, you have to offer your support, Albert has asked you to take charge of Bond, right?" William asked.

"Yeah, he did say that, but..." Moran went quiet.

"The details of the job are written in here, I need to..." William started to nod off again "Take a little rest right now" I lifted my arms as his head fell into my lap like he usually does.

"Brother, you will catch a cold if you sleep there and (name)'s legs will ache" Louis sighed.

"Will is having a nap?" Bond laughed.

"Its like a reaction he has after overexerting his mind" Moran explained.

"He has overexerted it, he couldn't even write words" I started to play with William's hair, it's so soft.

"When William gets like this, he doesn't wake up for anything except that one time (name) screamed" Moran added.

"You chased a mouse into my room while I was changing" I reminded him.

"Yeah mouse" Louis glared at him and so did Fred.

"There was one!" Moran yelled.

"Is this why William needed you here?" Bond asked me as Louis put a blanket over William and I and put a pillow between his head and my lap so my legs won't ache much.

"Its more of her presence, once he started to sleep when (name) is around it helped him get more rest, brother is usually very alert but (name) allows him to relax" Louis explained.

"I remember the first time, I found you both in the library" Louis commented.

"You were on the edge of tears" I laughed.

"I thought you were being held captive by someone you were missing for ten hours" Louis explained "I wasn't far off you were stuck under William who fell asleep on you, it was the start of him sleeping for such long periods of time."

"I understand why (name) does have a smoothing effect" Bond nodded.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yes when we first met Albert was very intimidating and you were too, but I felt like you genuinely wanted to help me and Sherlock also went on and on about how your his one and only anytime I flirted with him and he had such a serene expression on his face whenever he talked about you " He laughed.

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