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"Dad the story is so good!! Loved it!!" A 18 year old boy said to his Dad about the story his Dad wrote.

"Is it Dome?" The boy nodded and took a cookie which his mom made.

"Well....then do you know the two persons in the story?" His dad asked him. He tried to think but nothing came in his mind.

"Bright and Win. I don't those names. Well....Light and Amy is there which is yours name too. Oh my God!!" His eyes widened and his father raised eyebrows at him.

"Bright and Win are my grandparents. It's there story Dad. Oh my god!! There story is so great!!" The boy jumped in joy.

His father nodded and chuckled. He made his son sit. And faced him.

"Well....yeah....that's their story and I wrote it as I know everything. How they met and fell in love. Papa and Dadda were always my favorite persons in my life. And I love them a lot. When for the first time I met Papa I felt so good and complete. He was so generous and kind. He made me learn paintings. And Dadda...well Dadda is my hero. He is everything for me." Light said to his son Dome who was smiling happily listening to his father about his grandparents.

Ting. Tong.

Dome ran to open the door and greeted by his Aunt Amy, Unvle Mark, his cousin Stella and his Grandparents. He hugged his grandpa and granddad.

"Grandpa.....granddad....your story was so beautiful. I too want someone like that in my life. You both are made for each other." He happily said and BrightWin chuckled at their grandson.

"So you read the book. You liked it?" Win asked and Dome nodded his head smiling widely. They were now in the living room of Light's house. Amy came with her 10 years old daughter with her husband Mark. BrightWin came back from France after the exhibition Win had there. And yeah Win is still painting and Bright is always supportive for him. He is proud of his dear husband.

"Dadda....Papa....I love you. I have never said it but I do. You know I don't show my emotions much but today I want to. You have done and sacrificed many things for me and P'Amy. I'm really thankful for it." Amy nodded and hugged her Dadda from the side. Bright smiled and patted her head.

Win held Light's hand and caressed it. "Ofcourse we have to do it for both of you. You both are the precious gems in our life. Now we have Dome, Tess(Light's wife), Mark(Amy's husband) and our little Stella(Amy's daughter) too in our life. We are a complete family now. And your Papa and Dadda love you all too." Win smiled at everyone of them and stared at his husband lovingly.

"Dome....can I get the book. I want to read it again. To remember my beautiful times with your grandpa." Bright said and everyone smiled at that. Dome handed him the book.

Soon the family spend there precious time in the Christmas evening. All handed gifts to each other and were happy. They had their dinner and now just having their own times.

Bright was in the balcony and his eyes were teary. Win saw and back hugged him. Though they are old now, they are still lovey dovey and if anyone will see it they will be jealous of them. It's been so many years being together but their love grew more stronger day by day. Everyone was happy with their life now.

"Is my big baby sad?" Win asked softly in his husband's ear. Bright sighed and turned around to face Win. He hugged him and Win rubbed his back in a soothing way.

"Thank you Win. I love you a lot. Without you I wouldn't have been here today. You are a every beautiful thing that happened to me babe. I love you." Bright said and snuggled closer to his Win.

Win smiled and backed off from the hug to face Bright. He held Bright's chin and angled it to kiss him. Bright kissed him back. And just devoured the beautiful moment. It was a slow kiss which was just full of love.

"I love you too." Win said once they broke the kiss. He leaned to Bright and rested his head in his shoulder. Bright kisse his temple and hugged him.

"The idea of Light was good. To publish a book of our story. Now the whole world will know our love story babe. They will see two boys falling in love. I'm so happy." Win said gladly and sat in his husband's lap. He kissed Bright's cheeks and smiled showing his bunny teeth.

"Yeah. It was a nice idea. And I hope Dome can think about it now. He was so confused about he like his bestfriend or not. He thought it isn't a good thing to fall for the same sex. We tried to say him that it's not bad but he didn't accepted the fact. Now he knows our story and it's not bad to fall for a same sex. It's just the love and that's all." Bright said as he snuggled close to Win.

Win agreed too and at that moment Dome came and smiled at them. He was now happy to know that it isn't a bad thing to fall for a boy. It's just love and that's all.

Everyone were happy. Their own stories ended perfectly. And they just hoped for the best now. Loving each other in there way.

The will do everything for each other because they love each other a lot. That is why......

For us....I Will.


Actual ending. I'm happy how I ended the story. I hope you liked it too. :)))

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