*Old times*

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I was in the car with Bright. I got discharged today and the doctor said I can rest at home. Right now we are heading but i don't know where. I was asking him where are we going but he just smiled.

"Briggghhhttt.....I'm asking you for the last time....where are we headinggg!!??" I whined like a baby and pouted.

He chuckled and patted my head and again smiled. Ugghh can you please stop smiling like that.

"Aawww my big baby is pouting.....should I stop the car and kiss them?" He asked teasingly.

I glared him and looked out of the window. There is so way this old man gonna tell me where are we going.

"Be patient Metawin!" He stated and I froze in my place hearing him call me Metawin. The way he said, it oddly felt familiar.


Soon we reached our destination and I knew this place. The park. Where i met my first love. But how come Bright.....

"Come let me take you to my favorite place." Bright said and got down from the car. I got down too and Bright held my hand.

I smiled and we entered the park. The park was really big. Like a garden. Not even a single thing changed in these past years.

We were standing in front of a big orchid tree. And my eyes started to tear up. I wiped me tears and faced Bright but he was smiling at me.

"Do you really not remember me Metawin?" Bright asked so softly that I immediately melted but the Metawin. It was said like this only by one person for whom I fell years ago. Because of whom I can never been in a relationship.

"Bright....how come....." I was cut by a finger on my lips. He handed me a golden album with a red ribbon on it and I small not too small box. He sat down under the tree and patted the place near him.

I sat down and slowly opened the box. My eyes widened. There was an old camera and a bracelet. This two things I gave it to him. The one I fell for when I was 5 years old only. I tear rolled down. Right now only one thing I was thinking and it was confirmed when I opened the album.

The young guy I met years ago, his pictures were there in the album. One by one I flipped the pages and my smile grew wider and wider. With the tears rolling down my eyes continuously I continued to see the photos and by now I was confirm that the boy i fell for was.......


His brown eyes, prominent nose, bow-shaped lips, his beautiful smile, everything thing is similar to Bright. Except the cute chubby cheeks because now he became more handsome. And those chubby cheeks are taken by Light. I giggled at his photos.

I closed the album and kept it aside. I held my face in my hands and cried hard. Bright hugged me. I leaned to his touch and once I calmed down I faced him.

"You were him and I never noticed it. How can i forgot the boy I loved so much back then?" I said to myself and he shook his head.

He wiped my tears with his thumb and cupped my face. He kissed my forehead and my eyes automatically closed at the touch.

"Winnie....baby....you were just 5 years old at that time and I was 8. So its easier for me to remember every single detail without help. And I'm not upset that you didn't remember but now you do. And I'm way more than happy that our feelings were mutual at that tender age too." He smiled so sweetly.

I took the bracelet and caressed it. "You still kept it." I said staring at the bracelet and smiled.

"Yes....I do. But i can't wear it now though." He said pouting and I chuckled shaking my head at his cuteness.

"You know Win....I have almost gave up when Nevy came in my life. I thought I can never find you again. But still deep down I craved for it. For you. For us being like this. I loved you and I still love you and I will always love you only. Yes! I know Nevy gave me a precious gift too but I can't give her my heart which already belonged to you since day 1. And even if you wouldn't have come in my life again I still can't give Light to her. He is my life. And after what she did to Light, I can never forgive her. Never." He did and cried holding my hands.

I kissed his head and embraced him. We were like that for sometime and then an idea pop up in my tiny little childish mind.

"Bri....let's try to chase each other like old times. So your turn to chase me!!!" I said and got up and ran laughing.

He chuckled and got up. He ran after me. I was ranting his name.

"Bri....Bri...catch me if you can....haahahahha" I said laughing. Ohh this is what I missed in these past years. Our endless running and playing in this very playground. How I wish I met him before than this. Before Nevy I guess. But than Light won't have been there. I shrugged the thought and smiled as what ever happened was ever because it was worth it. Be it early or late, right now I'm with my love. My Bri....

He was laughing too. And soon he caught me from my back. And we stopped running. Panting heavily.

"You....are..still that naughty Winnie I knew. But I'm not ....complaining." He said and kissed my temple. I smiled and leaned to him.

You both were breathing heavily. And his warm breathe was fuming on my neck.

"You remember my name." He said after sometime. I nodded smiling about how I gave this name Bri to him.

"Yes...how can I forgot it. The name and your beautiful smile is still vivid in my memories though the events aren't. Remember I gave that name to you because I couldn't say it Bright at that time. It was too long for me. So Bri was good." I said chuckling.

"And I love it." He said and kissed my earlobe.

I turned to him and kissed him lovingly. It was slow and steady. No rushing. Just feeling and pouring the love. I snaked my hands around his neck and he pulled me closer by my waist.

We were devouring the moment when suddenly we heard a whistle. We broke the kiss and panted for air.

" Hey!! Young boys sorry to disturb but it's time to close the park. And you two look good together. Stay blessed kids." The middle-aged man said and smiled at us.

We nodded and gather up our things and headed to the car. While walking hand in hand I was smiling widely seeing our intertwined hands. I tightened th grip and he felt it and patted my head.

"Would you like to go on a date this weekend?" Bright asked and I happily nodded my head.

"Sure. I would love to."

I promise to stay with you longer this time. Not just longer, forever and ever. Like we promised in our old times.


Uuuuuhuuu.....this chapter was cute. I liked what I wrote. ♡♡
Hope you like it too :))

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