chapter 39: you can be the first to look

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4 years later

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4 years later

"I gotta go my love, see you later okay?" Harry kisses my forehead as he leaves me in bed to go check in on the shop. It has been doing incredible. This shop brings in the most income out of the other twelve shops. He has done this all so well.

I go to get out of bed but dizziness and nausea rushes to me and I jump out and run to the toilet. Jesus. I don't think I'm sick or stressed but that just snuck up on me out of nowhere.

"Mommy? Are you okay?" Madeline waddles into the bathroom with me with sleep still in her eyes and a blanket tucked underneath her arm. "I'm okay bunny, mommy just isn't feeling good. Can you do me a favor and let Kitty out in the back?"

"Mhm whatever you need mommy." Madeline runs out yelling for Kitty to go out with her. I begin to throw up again just as she leaves. I'm glad I could hold it back. If she saw me puke then she would so I'd have to clean that. Not doing it.

I clean myself up and walk out to the living room where Maddie was watching cartoons. "How long have you been up baby?"

"Since before daddy left. He got me breakfast and helped me clean my room! Go look at it! I made my bed all pretty!" She jumped up and grabbed my hand pulling me into her bedroom to show me how neat her and daddy did it. "Mhm bunny, you did a great job. Thank you for helping me out today."

"Mommy are you sick? If so can we play doctor?" I agree and she brings me to the living room with her little toy doctor kit in her hands.

"Okay Miss Mommy, do you have a fever?" She put her hand on my head and declared that I was fine there and checked something off on her little plastic clipboard. She is the cutest thing ever I swear.

"Okay is your arm broken?" She put the blood pressure arm velcro thing around my arm and said I was okay there too after pushing the little air thing making it spin around like crazy.

Next she puts the stethoscope to my stomach. "Does mommy have a tummy bug?" But then she says I'm fine there too.


A tummy bug.

I have been throwing up, can't eat foods I normally do, jeans feel tight on waist. Holy fucking fuck fuck. No fucking way. You're shitting me. No way.

"Bunny, clean up your toys and go get shoes, mommy needs to run to the store." Without question she puts her stuff away and gets shoes for her. I grab my shoes, purse, keys, and phone. I get her buckled into the car and I drive the nearest convenience store. "Mommy can I get a toy while we are here?"

"No bunny, I have to get something important okay?"

I hold her hand and navigate her to where all the pregnancy test were located. I grab one test from three different brands to make sure they are correct. Hopefully I'm just getting fat.

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