chapter 16: that means something, right?

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After hours and hours of flying we are finally in Maine

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After hours and hours of flying we are finally in Maine.

It is a lot colder and rainier here than in California but we weren't staying here long. I had booked us a hotel room for the night so we could drop off our stuff and get ready and have somewhere to sleep before we flew back.

Kitty was staying with Betty for the time being since we couldn't bring him.

I was really nervous to fly given so many things can happen to pregnant women in the air but Juliette just told me to shut up and not to worry about it. I had been reading too much about miscarriages and I have been scaring myself.

Jules hadn't talked much since we left home. She's sad about her father but I know she nervous about seeing her mother.

I personally despised that woman. Juliette chose to downplay how terrible her mother treated her but even in that small portions she told me it was enough to make me hate her.

Juliette is in the bathroom on our hotel getting ready. I am straightening her hair for her as she puts on a heavy amount of makeup. She looked gorgeous but I've never seen her wear so much. She was using it as a mask. Instead of her natural self that we all get to see, her mother gets to see the fake version she created when Jules was just a child, it was her way of blocking her mother out in her head. She also had been feeling self conscious lately about her weight. She had started gaining weight in her face and she hates it, I think she looked beautiful but what do I know?

I put on some black slacks with a black dress shirt and coat while Jules wore a black dress with a big coat that covered her belly.

I had called a car service to bring us to the house. The funeral was being held there which I thought was super weird but Jules blew it off and said it was probably because her mom wanted to show off their house or something.

When we pulled up, a huge house faced us. It was absolutely beautiful but I noticed there were no other cars here. Again, another thing that just seemed weird.

We get out of the car and walk up the steps to their front door. Jules had her arms wrapped around mine for support as I rang the doorbell.

A woman who looked to be in her forties answered the door. "Hello, you must be Miss Juliette, come in." She moved out of our way so we could walk through. I noticed her hand squeezed my biceps as we walked though the door for support.

I looked at her and she felt my gaze and turned to look at me. I gave her a a soft smile and a wink. She returned the gesture with the same wink and smile.

A woman who looked to be in her mid-fifties appeared. She was also wearing all black and by the way that Juliette took a sharp breath in, it told me all that I needed to know.

"Juliette." Her cold eyes look at my girl, her gaze was eating her alive but then she directed her line of vision to me.

"And who might this be?" She begins to walk over to me and holds her hand out for me to shake.

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