Parent! Henry + Child! Reader - Dada? -family fluff u sickos

485 11 18

This is a request from! dark-dings, thanks for requesting!
I recently got a new tablet so, I will start to catch up with requests! ^^

Please enjoy and remember, this I'd NOT a ship. It's just Henry adopting Y/n.

Also- sorry it is short. Mesa don't have many ideas lol-

It was a cold day, Y/n was sitting over at Fedbear's family diner. They enjoyed it there, nobody was rude to them, and they got to see so many kids.

But Henry noticed this pattern, this kid would come into the place, get some food, watch the animatronics and play with other kids till it closed. Then they'd head to an alley and sleep.

Henry went over to the kid, looking at them...he felt bad for once in his life. He picked Y/n up, holding them close. ''Heya, bud....where's your mom and dad?'' He asked softly. ''Mama... ?Dada?...'' Y/n responded, seeming sad.

Henry parents, eh? ''you Dada...?'' Y/n asked Henry, their eyes having a small bit of joy and hope in them. ''Yes child. I'm Dada....'' He said, carrying Y/n with him over to the office.

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