Legacy!Steven X Legacy!Jack- fluff/angst - Killing butterflies

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Heya, this is a request by @LunaBruceDreemurrUT also known as Kidden uvu
Ya better be happy because this is hard to write qwq

TW: Homophobic/Transphobic/LGBTQphobic Karen being mean to Steven. F slur.

Steven sighed softly as he stepped on the chest of a spring-lock suit, setting it off as the person inside screamed. "This is quite interesting...metal fusing with skin...it seems so- unavoidable at times." He said with a small chuckle. 'The soul is an interesting tangle of emotions, the stronger the emotions, the stronger the spirit. Metal can contain those feelings.' A voice said in Steven's head as the phone guy stepped away and out of the safe room.

Steven walked over to the main party room, mumbling to himself before he bumped into someone. "Watch it-" The other person said to the phone guy, who looked up.
The other person looked like Jack but...was different. No golden hoop earrings, no orange shirt, no cheesy smile. He had black pearl earrings, a black, white, and magenta suit, and a cold, poker face.

Steven looked at the man, and mentally smiled. "Oh..." The man said before sighing. "Stevie!" He said, hugging the phone guy close. "Heya, Legacy!" Steven said. Steven always had the nickname Stevie from when he dated Peter. It's a shame that Kennedy got murdered. Jack always had the nickname Legacy from how much he talked about his 'legacy'.

Steven chuckled as he hugged Jack back. "Ya ready for today?" He asked with as much of a smile as a phone guy could have. Legacy nodded happily as he ran to the safe room, ready to help Steven with his work.

Steven started to go over to start leading some kids to the safe room before he was interrupted by a Karen. "Excuse me sir, what is that pin you're wearing?" She asked, pointing at his gay-pride pin resting on his pocket. "It's a pin to represent my sexuality, ma'am." Steven responded and Karen gagged slightly.

"You do know that is GROSS, right?" Karen asked, a look of anger in her eyes. "Being gay is a sin, the LGBT community is a cult of sin! You're brainwashing our children, you fag!" She said angrily. "You are so disappointing! Just go kill yourself you damn sissy! What next? You're a fag and a transie?" She asked as Steven just looked away, feeling kinda hurt.

Sexuality has always been a tough thing for Steven, he was very prideful but, felt so hurt when his sexuality was hated against, especially to his fac- phone. "I-I'm so-" He started before Karen interrupted him again. "NO. You better go and find a women to date, you weirdo! Being gay is un natural and a sin! Damn, fucking stupid, fag!" She said, taking her child and walking away.

Steven walked over to the safe room, breaking down into tears as he went over and held Legacy close. "Stevie? What happened?" Jack asked, quite worried. Steven explained what happened and Jack just hugged him close and kissed the top of the phone guy's receiver. "It's okay- we can be gay together." Legacy said sweetly.

"I got you, love.~"

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