Chapter 18

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Nadia POV:

I'm going to my first DA meeting today. Apparently it's a club that was made because Umbitch doesn't teach us anything. Harry's the teacher for some reason, I personally would have chosen Hermione or maybe Ginny.

The club started months ago but they didn't trust me enough to invite me. I think a large reason they invited me now was because of the fight at the quidditch pitch. I don't know how Gaea found me seeing as at this point I'm five and don't know I'm a demigod but somehow she did.

Now Hermione wants me to teach the others "muggle self defense" as she called it. I almost said no, I have better things to do then teach a bunch of teenagers who have never held a knife for anything other than cutting their food how to fight, but then I remember about gaining their trust and gathering my own army and how it could help me get better at magic so I said yes.

I fully expect multiple people to not like the idea of me being in Dumbledore's Army as they call it. Ever since the cyclops, hellhound, earthborns, and dracaenas attacked people have started whispering even more than before.

It doesn't really bother me though, I'm used to whispers and rumors floating around me.

What does bother me is Dumbledore. He hasn't talked to me since the Weasley Dad was attacked, not even to talk about the monsters. There's something strange about that guy, I don't trust him in the slightest.

"Hey hey swords there you are!" A voice yelled from across the common room, shaking me from my thoughts.

"Hey Fred, hey George," I said, greeting the twins with a small smile "what's up"

They leaned in and lowered their voices "Were leaving for the DA now" George said, "wanna walk with us, we have a prank idea to discuss" Fred continued.

I rolled my eyes at their very obvious fail to be discrete and said "yeah sure, don't wanna be late right"

"Right!" They both said at the same time wide grins taking over their faces.


Ten minutes later we arrived at the RoR, we were the last ones there.

"What's she doing here" a hufflepuff I recognized as Zachris Smith said with a glare in my direction.

"She's going to teach us self defense the muggle way" Hermione explained

"Why would we need to know that if we have magic?" A ravenclaw standing next to Cho Chang asked

"Because if you lose your wand you're completely and 100% defenseless" I said already annoyed. It was probably a good thing I left Electra back in the dorm. People would have been even more suspicious of me.

"Ok, first we'll practice magic then self defense." Harry said, trying to ease the tension "partner up, today were working on stunning spells"

I partnered up with both Fred and George. First George practiced on Fred, then Fred on me, and finally me on George.

We had all got the spell down by the time Harry blew a large whistle. "Good job guys I'm seeing some real improvement! Now it's Nadia's turn."

I walked to the front of the room as the cushions we were using turned into sparring mats.

"How many of you have learned any type of muggle self defense or fighting of any kind, raise your hand"

I wasn't surprised but was still largely disappointed when not a single hand went up. "Ok then we'll start with the basics, who wants to be part of my demonstration?"

Both Fred and George put their hands up so I motioned for them to come up. I had Fred stand on the mat and George to the side, I would take turns beating them up.

"Now I know most of you probably think learning how to throw a punch is what you should learn first but I disagree. We're going to learn one of my personal favorites which is how to throw someone over your shoulder if they grab you from behind."

I moved onto the mat and motioned for Fred to come closer. "This move works even if your opponent is bigger than you as long as you do it right. Fred is going to attack me from behind and even though he's taller and weighs more I'll easily be able to get him to the ground."

I told Fred to grab me by the shoulder and made sure everyone was paying attention.

"What you do is lower your head so it's harder for them to choke you, pull their arm forward so they're a bit off balance, move your foot back in between their legs, lean forward and to the side a bit, and pull their arm even harder making them fall to the ground." Fred's body thumped to the ground.

"From here you should still have their arm in your grasp. You can twist it so it breaks, hold it and punch them, use it to lock them in that position, or if you're just trying to get away, let go and run."

I helped Fred off the ground and told him to come at me again faster this time. He did and I showed them in real time how to do the move. Fred hit the ground with a thump and I got a few impressed gasps.

"Now partner up and you try it" I said.

As they did just that, I practiced the move once to George, so it was fair you know, then had the twins practice on each other as I walked around correcting everyone.

By the time we had to go back to our separate dorms, I was proud to say that most people had the move down.

Harry blew his whistle again and everyone turned to look at us.

"Good job today guys were seeing some real improvement!" He said with enthusiasm.

"Next time I'll teach you how to break someone's nose and if we have time, how to kick someone in the crotch so it really hurts, we have plenty of test subjects"

The girls laughed at that well the people with a crotch winced.

"As always we'll go out in twos and threes" Harry continued looking at his map

Everyone else made their way to the door and soon it was just me, the golden trio, Ginny, and the twins.

"Good job teaching Nadia" Hermione said "I think it was really fun"

"Yeah it was real fun" Ron said "you should've been teaching us the whole time, better than Harry"

"Very funny Ron" Harry said rolling his eyes.

"Hey maybe next time you can throw around someone else" Fred said rubbing his ribs.

"Yeah," George continued, "you threw us harder then we threw each other."

"You were the ones who volunteered" I said with a shrug and a smirk

Harry looked at his watch "we better get back to the tower, we're already past curfew."

The others all nodded and we made our way to the door. Fred, George, and Ginny went first and a couple minutes later the golden trio made to leave.

"Aren't you coming Nadia?" Ron asked

"Nah, I'm gonna stay here and practice a bit more. Don't worry I won't get caught on the way back"

"Alright then" Harry said and the three of them waved and left.

As soon as they disappeared I closed my eyes and turned the room to my usual training room. I actually did have a lot of fun tonight and, to my surprise, couldn't wait for the next one.

I started training with my sword in one hand and my wand in the other. I couldn't shake the feeling that something was going to happen and even with all this training not all of us would survive till the end of the war.

Written April 24 2021
Published July 15 2021

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