Chapter 12

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Nadia POV:
         The day after my detention with Umbrigde a small Gryffindor first year told me that McGonagall wanted to see me in her office. I had an idea about why but I wasn't positive so I said bye to the twins and made my way there, ready for anything.

         Minnie was waiting for me, tea and biscuits sitting on her desk.

         I walked over to her with a wicked grin "hey Minnie what's up"

         "One don't call me Minnie, two I wanted to talk to you about your detention"

         I took a sip of the offered tea and shrugged "it was boring, she made me write lines all night"

         Minnie frowned "just lines? I thought it would be worse than that"

         I shrugged again and showed her my hand "while she had us write with our own blood so there's that I guess"

         Minnie gasped and grabbed my hand "how dare she! Has she done this to anyone else?"

         "As far as I know just Harry but I could be wrong"

         "I'll talk to Dumbledore about this, she should be fired for this, it's child abuse"

         "If you want something done you should do it yourself Minnie, I've only been here a little bit longer then a week but I can see that Dumbledore doesn't really do much unless it helps him"

         Minnie frowned in response and changed the subject "what did she have you write, I don't know that language?"

         "It's Greek and she didn't have me write this, she wanted me to write "I will do as I'm told" in English but I couldn't let her have that so instead I wrote "Umbitch is a ministry rat" in Greek, she got mad of course and gave me another detention on Wednesday but I don't regret it."

         Minnie hid her smile behind a sip of tea "good choice"

         "Thanks, I thought it was fitting"

         "You better run along now I'm sure you have homework to do and we don't want Umbridge to catch us but I'll call you back here again soon"

         Smiling I stood up "I don't plan on doing the homework I got from Umbridge or Snape but I do have to plan a prank with the Weasley Twins so see you again soon!"

         Minnie nodded as I left not bothering to reprimand me. I knew we would become good friends.


         A couple weeks later I was on the ledge outside of our window thinking about my time here when I heard a commotion in the common room.

         I quickly climbed back inside, walked out of the dormitory and down the stairs hand on my knife just in case. Unfortunately I didn't need the knife but that didn't mean everything was fine.

         Harry, Ron, Fred, and George were all standing in the common room in their pajamas looking like they just woke up. The twins and Ron looked confused but Harry looked scared and was pacing back and forth. As I walked into the room the four of them looked up but then realizing it was just me and looked back down.

         "Whatcha doing" I asked looking at each boy in turn

         "Harry had a nightmare" Ron said at the same time the Twins shrugged and said "not exactly sure"

         Harry looked hesitant to tell me anything at first but then he gave in at my glare and said "I saw Mr. Weasley get attacked by a big snake but no one will take me seriously!"

         "Let me get this straight, you had a dream that their dad was attacked and you think it's real? It's just a nightmare Harry"

         "You don't understand, it's real, my scar hurt and everything, he was on look out for the order and he's probably bleeding out right now but no one will do anything!"

         Before I could say anything else Minnie appeared at the top of the stairs to the girl dormitory leading a confused half asleep Ginny down towards us.

         "When did you get here Nadia?" She asked but before I could answer she continued and said "it doesn't matter, we best be getting to Professor Dumbledore's office quickly"

         The seven of us half walked half ran to the headmasters office Minnie opening the door with the password "sherbet lemon"

         Dumbledore was sitting at his desk reading a book when we walked in. He quickly looked up and shut his book at our entrance. "What's wrong?" he asked looking at everyone except for Harry for whatever reason.

         "I had a dream that Mr. Weasley was attacked by a giant snake, he was guarding the same place I've been seeing in my past dreams" Harry answered looking anxious.

         Dumbledore thought over Harry's words for a second before walking over to the paintings on the wall. He told one of them to inform Sirius he would be having company and told another two to go check it out.

         With a nod the three witches and wizards in the paintings walked sideways out of their frames. Dumbledore then reached into his desk and took out a tea kettle, he waved his wand and murmured a few words until the kettle glowed slightly. I swear everyday these people do something even weirder, I think most of them are insane.

         By the time he was done with this the painting people had come back informing us that Mr. Weasley was in fact hurt and at the moment was being brought to St. Mungos.

         "Come along now" Dumbledore said gesturing towards the kettle "take this portkey to Grimland place, Sirius will take care of you all until Molly gets there"

         "What the hades is a portkey?" I asked looking at Dumbledore like he was insane which if you think about it could very well be the truth.

         "It's a magically altered item that will take you to where you need to go just by touching it" Dumbledore explained calmly as the Weasleys and Harry crowded around it. "I would say you should stay here until Christmas break Nadia but I'm sure you won't allow me to do that will you"

         "Nope," I replied, walking forward and placing a finger on the kettle.

         "I will see you all after the break" Dumbledore said as if we weren't leaving to visit the Wealseys dying father.

         The portkey started to glow brighter and the last thing I saw before we were sucked up into space was Dumbledore meeting Harry's eyes and Harry's eyes flashing a strange red and then the headmasters office was gone and we reappeared in an unfamiliar place.

A/N: sorry i didn't post last week, i was on vacation and i just kept forgetting. thanks for reading. ❤️

written February 1 2021
published April 9 2021

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