Chapter 9

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Harry POV:
After breakfast the four of us walked down to Hagrids. I was still thinking about what Nadia had said, about not all slytherins being bad. Maybe that was true but it didn't change the fact that Malfoy, one of the only slytherins that talks to us, was one of the bad ones.

We got to Hagrids and Hermione knocked on the door "Hagrid were here for tea!"

Fang started barking and a couple moments later the door swung open to show Hagrid grinning down at us a big piece of meat covering half his face "come come, down Fang"

We walked inside and me, Ron, and Hermione sat down but Nadia remained standing one hand dangerously close to her weapons, the other petting Fang who seemed to like her even more than he liked me.

"And oo migh yer be?" Hagrid asked Nadia, sizing her up.

"You go first," Nadia responded.

"Hagrid this is Nadia, she's new, Nadia this is Hagrid" Hermione cut in.

"Well nice ter meet yah" Hagrid said smiling at her and turning around to get the tea.

"What's with the meat?" Nadia asked the same time Hagrid asked "where yah from?"

Hagrid hesitated at the question, slightly adjusting the meat.

"Yeah Hagrid, what's with the meat?" Ron asked.

Hagrid turned back around to us and took the meat off. His face was covered in cuts and bruises in shades of yellow, green, and purple.

"Blimey Hagrid what happened?" I asked, startled, the only one who didn't seem surprised or grossed out was Nadia who just looked at the bruises like they were normal.

"I might'er got in a bit o trouble, but not ter worry it's nothin I can't handle"

"Hagrid who did this?" Hermione asked, the unspoken question of or what hanging in the air.

"I was jus' on a mission for the order, top secret"

"The order?" Nadia asked, stepping forward.

Hagrids eyes widened "you didn' hear that"

"Not very good at keeping secrets are you?" Nadia said with a smirk.

"Hagrid tell us what happened, please" I begged.

"Jus' som giants nothing big now stop askin questions"

"Nothing big!" Ron exploded "giants seem pretty big to me"

"But giants aren't rebirthed for another 10 years or so," Nadia said looking confused "and how did you survive no offense but it doesn't seem like you have a god on your side."

Now I was confused and clearly so was everyone else.

"Whatcha talkin bout rebirth, giants can't be rebirthed and they still live in the mountain' not as many as befor but there still plenty. And fer how I survived I brought em gifts and it helps I'm half giant."

Nadia looked even more confused but then her expression cleared and she seemed to scowl at herself "I must've been thinking of something else"

I didn't believe her for a second and neither did Ron and Hermione but Hagrid clearly did.

"Alrighty then, let's change ther subject how's school?"

The three of us said it was good and reassured him that care of magical creatures wasn't nearly as fun without him while Nadia stood in the corner still looking mad but more at herself then anyone else.

Nadia POV:
My first impression of Hagrid was that he's big but not scary big. He seems nice although he's not so great at keeping secrets or hiding bruises.

I saw the colored skin behind the meat right away the only reason the others didn't is because they're not very observant.

Hagrid let something slip about being on a secret mission for the order. The golden trio clearly knew what the order was but I didn't and I wanted to know.

Based on the secret mission part I'd say it's some sort of a secret organization or rebel group the government doesn't know about.

Then Hagrid started talking about giants and I stupidly thought of the giants I was fighting before I got here. I even let some things slip before Ares spoke in my mind and told me they were different giants.

I felt so stupid and mad at myself and the golden trio clearly didn't believe my "I was thinking of something else" excuse.

Once we got back to the castle I dragged the three of them to the room of requirement which appeared similar to the common room but empty and private.

"What's the order and don't try to lie to me because I will know" I threatened glaring at the three of them.

"Why did you act so weird when Hagrid brought up giants?" Harry shot back.

"Don't try to change the subject to avoid the question" I said, the three of them shrinking under my glare.

They exchanged a look like they were trying to figure out if they should tell me or not. After a couple seconds they sighed and turned to me, whether they gave in because they trusted me or because they knew I wouldn't let them leave until they told me was unclear but I didn't really care.

"The order or it's longer name The Order Of The Phoenix is a secret organization Professor Dumbledore made years ago to stop you-know-who." Hermione said.

"After the first war ended it was disbanded as it was no longer needed but now that Voldemort's back it's come back" Harry continued ignoring the shudder from Ron when he said Voldemort.

"And who's Voldemort exactly?" I asked, looking at each of them in turn.

"Don't say his name!" Ron hissed.

"You-know-who is the darkest wizard of our age, him and his followers the death eaters," I snorted at the name but let Hermione continue talking, "want to rid the wizarding world of muggles and muggle borns. They want to make a pure blood dominant world and rule both the muggle world and the wizarding world."

Muggles reminded me of mortals and purebloods of gods in a way. "How many people opposed Voldemort?" I asked, like Harry ignoring Ron's shudder.

"Not many people are in the order but most don't like him or approve of what he's doing there just too scared to do anything, haven't been invited or don't know about the order, or don't know or are in denial that he's back." Harry explained.

I nodded, Harry seemed sure he was back and Voldemort seems like Gaea in the evil conquer the world type vibe. "I want to join" I decided after a couple seconds.

"You do?" Ron asked, seeming surprised.

I frowned at him "obviously, I'm not a wimp and Voldemort seems like a bitch so yeah I'll join if you'll have me."

The three of them grinned at me "we'll talk to the others but I'm sure they'll be glad you're joining."

I nodded and smiled, herding them out of the room before making it change into my usual training room. If I was going to join another war I had to train and since it was a wizarding war I had to train with my slightly crooked wand.

I started practicing spells I saw people doing as I hadn't been to any classes yet while thinking about everything.

I wanted to join the order to defeat Voldemort yes but according to my father I also needed an army to defeat Gaea. Joining one war just to save the first one, only a child of Ares with my bad luck would be doing something as stupid as this.

written January 25 2021
published March 12 2021

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