Chapter 17

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Harry POV:
Not long after our Christmas visit to St. Mungos Mr. Weasley came home and not long after that we went back to Hogwarts.

Sirius was especially sad to see us go and I was sad to leave him but I knew we would write and see each other again in the summer.

Something I would normally have to look forward to was the third quidditch game of the year, Ravenclaw vs Slytherin, a couple weeks after Christmas break, but because of my lifetime ban it didn't seem as fun to watch.

Hermione and Ron were both going though as was most of the castle so I followed them to the stands deck out in a Ravenclaw scarf, even banned there was no way I was going to cheer for Slytherin.

A couple minutes after the three of us sat down next to Ginny and Luna Fred, George, and Nadia arrived. Fred and George were both wearing Ravenclaw hats and scarfs and Nadia was wearing a Ravenclaw hat and a Slytherin scarf, her pet dragon Electra perched on her shoulder as always.

"Hey guys!" The Twins greeted cheerfully sitting down next to Hermione

"Are there lots of injuries in quidditch?" Nadia asked, she was in detention during the first two matches of the year so this is her first time ever watching.

"There are a good amount yes" Hermione answered

"Sick," Nadia said with a wicked grin, Electra blowing smoke from her snout in agreement.

"Sick?" Ron asked looking as confused as I felt

Nadia looked over at us "American slang" she responded



The game lasted about an hour and a half. The Ravenclaw chasers scored far more points but Malfoy got the stitch before Cho so Slytherin won 190-160.

Everyone was making their way back to the castle when they attacked.

One second the eight of us were making our way back to the castle, the next a dog the size of a garbage truck, three six armed people, two snake looking ladies, and a tall man with only one eye appeared on the quidditch pitch.

At first I thought I was imagining it, none of them looked human and Hermione has said multiple times that things can't apparate into Hogwarts grounds but then a first year Hufflepuff girl saw and screamed.

Everyone turned towards the monsters and began to panic. There weren't too many of them but none of us recognized what they were and they all had dangerous muggle weapons and/or teeth.

The really tall man with one eye pointed his large sword in my direction.

My blood went cold, they weren't here for me were they?

Nadia pushed her dark red hair put of her face and stepped in between the twins glaring at the monsters with a look of annoyance on her face.

"Gaea" she snarled

"What?" Ginny asked

Nadia ignored her and pulled the twin swords she fell with out of the two scabbards attached to her hips.

"I'll deal with this, you guys get everyone else out of the way, it could get messy"

"What are you talking about?" George asked

"You can't seriously be going to fight them right?" Fred continued

"There here for me" Nadia replied with a shrug, then before any of us could say anything else, she attacked.

She ran faster then I'd seen, her swords hanging loosely yet dangerously in her hands. Electra flew off her shoulder, blowing a small stream of fire as a battle cry.

Seeing her charge the monsters grinned and laughed, getting into fighting positions with their own weapons at the ready.

The six armed attacked first, throwing large balls of clay that turned into rock while in the air towards Nadia.

She dove out of the way rolling back into a standing position easily. The two snake ladies charged, wielding a trident in one hand and a net in the other.

Nadia dodged one and slided the other in half.

The entire student body, that was now frozen watching the fight, gasped as she did so but the snake lady just exploded into dust.

The second snake lady threw her net at Nadia but she quickly dropped one sword, pulled out her wand, and turned the net into a snake. How she was able to do that when she just started transfiguration a couple months ago was unknown.

While Nadia was turning the two snake ladies to dust Electra was blowing fire at the six armed guys to stop them from throwing rocks. The large dog and one eyed man were just watching for whatever reason.

Nadia scooped up her other sword, putting her wand back into her pocket and turning toward the other five monsters. She whistled for Electra who stopped blowing fire and flew over to the redhead, landing on her shoulder.

"You will die today, daughter of Ares," the one eyed man said.

Nadia snorted "I've heard that one before" and then attacked.

Her second attack was even more impressive. The six armed rushed to meet her but she jumped up, stepped on one of their heads, and flipped over them landing behind the three and slicing one before the others knew what was happening.

The other two tried to throw more rocks at her but they were too close and Nadia cut off their arms before they could. Unfortunately, only a couple seconds later their arms started to grow back but fortunately not fast enough.

Nadia cut one of them right down the middle and Electra melted the other into a pile of sludge.

Before either of them could get a moment of rest the garbage truck sized dog ran towards them.

Nadia took a deep breath and ran to meet it. The dog jumped on her, it looked like it was going to rip her face off.

"Nadia!" All 7 of us yelled at the same time but somehow Nadia got ahold of her wand and blasted the dog off her.

While it was getting to its feet Nadia ran towards it, Electra flying behind her, jumping on top of its stomach, Electra landing on its face blocking its view of Nadia, holding one sword high over her head and bringing it down right into the dogs stomach.

The dog exploded into dust and Nadia fell to the ground getting up immediately and turning towards the last monster.

"You fight well daughter of Ares," the large man said "better than we thought but no matter, your still not good enough"

Nadia rolled her eyes, not looking at all bothered by his words "just shut up already" she muttered before taking a small dagger out of her belt and throwing it at the one eyed man.

It flew through the air in a perfect arch, too fast to dodge, and lodged itself into the man's forehead.

The man swayed for a second, a look of pure shock on his face, before falling to the ground and crumbling to dust.

Then there was silence, everyone looked at Nadia in complete shock. She turned towards us putting her wand, two swords, and knife back in her scabbards, pocket, and belt.

It was definitely a sight to behold. Nadia stood there Camp Halfblood shirt and black jeans covered in dust, scars redder than normal, clay bead necklace swaying slightly, Ravenclaw hat tipped dangerously on her head, Slytherin scarf wrapped strangely around her neck, small black dragon with golden eyes perched on her shoulder.

"Thought I told you guys to go inside, I said it could get messy"

written March 17 2021
published July 15 2021

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