Her red lips flashed across her mind, in a distant memory, and Verfall winced.

A Colonel approached the group and Steve saluted him almost instantly.

Verfall found him vaguely familiar.

"Some of these men need medical attention." Steve paused. "I'd like to surrender myself for disciplinary action."

Verfall's eyes shifted to meet the red-lipped woman's, and she found herself staring at- at Peggy, who's eyes were round in confusion, concern, and a possible flicker of rage. She wouldn't be surprised if that rage was aimed towards her.

She dropped her head, looking down.

"That won't be necessary." Colonel Phillips replied smoothly.

Steve resisted a smile.

"Yes, sir." He nodded.

Peggy's eyes moved to Steve before glancing at the Colonel.

"Faith, huh?" The Colonel- Colonel Phillips, her mind supplied- turned towards Peggy who smiled slightly.

She stepped forwards once he was out of the way, standing in front of Steve.

"You're late." She accused, her voice light-hearted.

"Couldn't call my ride." Steve grinned as he held out a broken transmitter.

Peggy looked him up and down before James turned back to the crowd, seemingly uncomfortable.

"Hey! Let's hear it for Captain America!" He shouted and a roar of sound erupted.

Verfall flinched, snapping her head to the side anxiously. It took a few minutes before the crowd started to disperse and troops were moved to paramedic tents. James started towards a normal tent when Steve grasped his arm and pulled him back to stand in front of Peggy.

Peggy, who was staring straight at Verfall with pursed lips.

"Please tell me you stumbled upon Steve and decided to save these men because you wanted to. Please." She said in a soft voice.

Verfall despised the tone, because her softness was a trick- it was always a trick, unless she did something to appease Dr. Schaffer. She cut that line of thought short because the woman in front of her was not Dr. Schaffer.

She said nothing until she realized Peggy wanted an answer.

Steve and James watched the pair tensely.

"I'm sorry, Ma'am." She apologized, ducking her head in an effort to stare at the ground. "I don't understand."

Peggy's lips tilted downwards into a frown, much more concerned than she'd been a few seconds ago. She reached a hand towards her and Verfall remained as still as possible, tensing. Peggy withdrew her hand and Verfall felt awful- she was doing everything so horribly wrong and Peggy was saying absolutely nothing about it.

Peggy looked at Steve and James before letting loose a soft sigh, forcing a smile to her lips.

"I assume your friend needs medical attention but is trying to escape it?" She asked, pointedly tilting her head at James who was tugging himself away.

He stopped, looking guilty for being caught.

"Well, come on then." She beckoned.

Verfall had the terrifying thought Peggy was going to leave her standing in the middle of the army base with no orders until she tilted her head back.

"Soldat, follow." She ordered sharply and Verfall immediately stood straighter, a feeling like relief settling in her bones.

She was starting to remember Peggy had been her handler at one point in time, even though she seemed to be against everything Dr. Schaffer fought for- although whatever he fought for seemed to fluctuate way too often.

ZEITGEIST  |  james b. barnesWhere stories live. Discover now