"The French Mistake" Part 3 - Cas/Misha

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Hello again! This is part 3 of my Castiel/Misha Collins × reader imagine. Also, a little bit of bi y/n ;).


I re-entered the set in search of Sam and Dean. We had planned on making our way here together, but I got side tracked by Castiel's alternate personality.

Apparently it wasn't just regular me who was in love with him. My alternate actress persona, Lila Collins, was apparently married to Misha Collins. But in my real life, Cas and I weren't together. Dean would probably never allow that. His baby sister and best angel buddy together? Yeah right. That didn't stop me from having feelings for him though. And sometimes, I swear I could see my Castiel looking at me from afar. I longed to confess my feelings for him. I hoped I would make it back to do so. I pushed those thoughts aside, I had to find my brothers first.

I spotted them back on the set version of Bobby's study, where we crashed through the window and ended up here, after Balthazar gave us a visit. I'm gonna strangle that guy once I find him.

I walked up to the boys noticing how they were whining about prop weapons. Sam looked up as Dean tossed a faux knife.

"Y/n, where have you been?" The taller brother called.

"You won't believe me." I told him.

Sam gave me a puzzled look and Dean threw his hands in the air in exasperation. He marched out as we followed him back to the lot where they kept the duplicates of Baby.

"We gotta get back to the real world." Sam said

"Yeah, now you're talking." Dean replied as we climbed into the mud covered version of the impala. Dean started up the car, but we didn't get far because the vehicle moved so slowly.

So, we decided to have a driver take us away from the set. The driver asked us where we were heading. Stuttering, Dean told him we were tagging along with Jared. The driver made a comment about how 'we' never hang out together. Nonetheless, he drove us to the new destination: Jared Padalecki's house.

It wasn't so much of a house, more like a mansion. It was a really nice place, somewhere the real us would never be able to stay. I chuckled as I noticed a tanning bed in the large room we were in.

Dean went straight to a mini bar while Sam looked around in awe. I however was looking at a pop art canvas with Sam/Jared's face plastered on it.

"Dude, you have a Llama in your back yard." Dean called from the window.

"It's an alpaca, dumbass." A familiar woman's voice rang from above. The three of us turned to see Ruby - the demon lady - leaning over a balcony.

My eyes widened as I saw her. Sure, she was evil, but I had major crush on her not too long ago. Of course, Sam also fell for her deceptions. But this couldn't be our Ruby, she was long gone.

"Ruby?" Dean asked as she came down the stairs.

"Ruby." She retorted "'cause that one never gets old."

She walked up to Sam, placing her lips on his. "How was work tonight babe?"

Dean and I looked at each other in surprise.

The alternate reality Ruby sat down on the couch.

"Wait. You and Ruby?" Dean asked.

I just kept staring. It was probably really awkward of me, but I couldn't help it.

"Do you honestly think that's funny, Jensen?" She said "and Lila, if you keep staring I'm gonna tell your husband."

"I - sorry" I averted my gaze. My face was probably red again.

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