Frieda's decision

Start from the beginning

Rod: I'm sorry to do this to you, my precious daughter. But it must be done, you're the only one capable of inheriting get his powers... My other sons... refuse... I trust that you will get his powers, protect humanity, and make Frieda proud. - As he spoke, he took out the syringe, placed a needle in it, grabbed the crystal bottle, and placed the liquid inside the syringe with the needle.- Please, Historia.

Historia: Inherit... His power...? why would... Why would I do that?

Before Rod could explain, a pair of footsteps could be heard coming quickly in their direction. Rod sighed heavily, knowing who and what's going to happen. After some seconds passed the ones running in their direction could be seen, it was Kenny and Frieda.

Kenny: Lord Reiss... I tried to-

Frieda: What are you doing father?! 

Historia: Frieda...?

(y/n):  (Kenny, Frieda!)

Frieda saw Historia and her eyes widened, she then saw the syringe Rod had. As (y/n) heard her voice, he started to move again. Making Frieda notice him, and gasp. She then realized what was going on. Rod wanted to make Historia inherit (y/n)'s powers, since neither Frieda nor her brothers wanted to eat (y/n).

Rod: Frieda, list-

Frieda: You have gone too far! You even kidnapped (y/n) and want Historia to eat him!

Rod: Listen to me, Frieda!

Frieda: I won't listen to you! All you've been telling me lately was to eat (y/n)! 


 Frieda p.o.v

 We were sitting at the palace meeting room, me and father. Abel, Florian, Dirk, Ulklin, and (y/n) were somewhere in the palace, probably playing around.

 Rod: Frieda, please... Listen to me, you have to do it. 

 Frieda: I will not do such a thing!

 Rod: You have to understand! The time will come where the Colossal and Armored Titans will breach Wall Sina! You know why they're coming for, they want the founder. With his powers, you'll be able to deal with them! 

 Frieda: The founder's all I need to defend myself! There is no need for me to eat (y/n)! 

 Rod: Well, it didn't look like that when you were fighting the Attack Titan! 

 Frieda: That was three years ago! I will not eat him!

Rod: That's not the only problem! Th-

Before he could continue, I left the room.

End of flashbacks

Narrator p.o.v

Rod: The Walls are breaking Frieda! - Frieda's eyes widened again. - Ever since he came in contact with the walls, multiple cracks have appeared and they are getting weaker! some days ago in Stohess, when the Female Titan was climbing up the wall it made a hole thanks to their state, revealing one of the Colossals Titans! 

Frieda: W-w-what...? - She looked at (y/n) in shock.-

Rod: I've been trying to tell you all this time! But you didn't want to listen to me! Someone has to eat him and fix the Walls!

Kenny: Hey... Listen, I don't know what problems you two and the walls have but you better solve 'em quickly. A bunch of shit is going on outside. The Scouts started a coup d'etat and all the regiments changed sides. Everyone knows the king's a big fake and all the big shots ended up being captured. It's a royal shit show. It's a matter of time till they show up here. So you better eat him and do something.

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