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Addisons POV-

"Hello nurse Evans it's Addison I need to inform you of something that has happened recently and quite honestly I'm traumatised"

"Okay Addison you can tell me anything alright"

"I was raped a few months ago by a man named Mark Sloan. Derek, Mark and I were very close in Med school but he started raping me that's why Derek left because he had thought I was cheating on him when I really wasn't, anyway he came to the front door this morning and raped me outside my own house I was so scared, Meredith was still sleeping and Mark threatened to kill me if I made a sound. I just thought I should let you know and I was wondering if we could get an emergency appointment for sometime this week?"

"Of course my darling I can come and see you on Thursday at 9:00-10:00 is that okay, I'm sorry this happened to you it must be awful but I know you have an appointment with doctor Wyatt tomorrow so you can chat to her about it some more okay my love?"

"Sounds perfect thank you so much I'll see you on Thursday"

"Lovely take care Addison"

I then hang up the phone and walk towards the bedroom where I hear sobbing, it must be Meredith I feel so awful I can't exactly help the fact I was raped but it must be awful for her knowing I was just outside when this ordeal happened, I'm just glad she found me.

I tiptoe in and she looks up, her eyes are puffy and red

"Oh Mer c'mere baby it's okay I'm fine I promise, nurse Evans is coming round on Thursday and dr Wyatt is coming to see me tomorrow okay"

"I-I-I know I ju-just can't believe this ha-happened to you I'm so sorry I should be there for you more" Meredith weaps into my chest and I simply pull her into a massive hug placing a loving kiss on the top of her head.

"Shhhhh Mer baby it's okay I got you, I'm here shh I'm her baby"

"I love yo-you ad-Addie"

"I love you as well Mer now let's get some rest alright"

The next morning the CPN came to visit the house

"So Addison how are you feeling today, I know you must be traumatised by this ordeal and I know you and Meredith support each other but this is just a sort of check in to see how you are and how Dr Wyatt and I can help support you further"

" I mean Meredith is my main support system and I'm quite comfortable in this situation I have right now, I feel as though Mer and I both have the right amount of care without it being too overwhelming, what do you think Mer?"

"Yes I think that is fair to say, Addison has been doing well since the ordeal and I feel like I have the perfect balance of support but not so much that I'm overwhelmed"

"Okay so it sounds like you two are doing well, I will see you next week but before that can I just do a quick safety check to make sure no sharps are lying around etc"

"Of course, thank you nurse Evans".

Meredith and Addison see to their breakfasts of yoghurt and strawberries with a smoothie, Meredith had a bit of a moment though when she got to the smoothie

"Addie I can't have this it's too much, can you hold me while I drink it please Addie"

"Of course Mer here come sit"

Meredith sat cuddled up her head resting against Addisons chest the redhead lightly rocking her while intermittently planting the glass at Merediths lips while she took small sips, eventually breakfast was finished and Addison was feeling okay to go into the hospital and do some skills in the skills lab because Meredith and her need to brush up on their techniques because they were going back to work in 2 weeks time.

"Hey Addie are you ready to head to the hospital"

"Yeh I eh yeh let's get this over with please"

"Okay okay it's fine I'll carry you out to the car"

"You don't have to"

"Addie I know how hard it is for you to walk out the front door so I will carry you okay"

"Okay thanks Mer"

Meredith carries Addison out and pops her into the passenger seat while she climbs into the drivers seat, she ticks off the boxes of her mental check list, paper bag check, sweater that smells of me check, safety foods check,"

Meredith drives Addison and herself to the hospital Addison clearly extremely nervous, Meredith placed a reassuring hand on Addisons thigh

"It's okay baby let's go don't worry"

"Okay Mer"

Addison and Meredith walked into the hospital lobby hand in hand and made their way up to the skills lab where Bailey and Webber met them both, Bailey was going to oversee the skills lab and help Meredith if needed because they were both out of practice but Meredith was only a 3rd year resident, Addison was an attending so she knew what to do.

Meredith was working on whipples with Bailey and Addison was brushing up on her sutures and general skills she felt she needed help with, they both surprisingly didn't freak out and they both left feeling proud of themselves. They eventually got to the car

"Mer thank you for pushing me to come in to the hospital today, I feel so much better now that I've ripped the bandaid off so to speak, I want to celebrate tonight okay" Addison said smirking slightly

"Mhmm okay Addie let's get home then"

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