Positive recovery?

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Over the next week Meredith managed all of her small feeds the first few times she cried but then she got so used to it she didn't cry towards the end of the week, she felt more alive and fuller she was gaining weight which was good although she was still extremely thin so there was still lots of work to be done, week 2 arrived and it was mostly the same she had panic attacks about her meal size going up but at the end of that week she stopped crying as well.


"Addie I can't believe at the end of this week I will be able to kiss you" Meredith said as she woke up the next morning

"I can't wait Meredith let's go and have breakfast"

They went downstairs and when Meredith saw the size of her feed she broke down

"Addie I can't there is too many calories I I I please hold me Addie please I'm sorry"

"It's okay Mer I got you come over here sit in my lap while I put your NG in and we can cuddle until the feed is over okay"

"I need some skin to skin Addie I need to be calm I need to get better why am I like this, I'm such a trainwreck"

"I got you Mer"

Addison took her shirt off leaving her in her bra and Meredith immediately attached herself to her chest like a baby koala holding on to its mother. Addison passes the NG tube through her nose and starts the feed and she comforts Meredith through this because she can remember going from a medium feed to a large one when she was in the ward, she remembered how hard it was but she was grateful for the nurses that got her through it and she was happy she could help Meredith through it as well.

Addison was due to go back to work the next morning as she was much better and her weight was somewhat normal still a bit too thin but definitely healthier than before so Dr Wyatt cleared her for work, Meredith knew this and she was planning her relapse she wanted to get better for Addison but her head was so loud the voices were screaming at her and she knew she needed to stop her feeds and to please the voices in her head because then her pain would stop, she never told Addison any of this obviously and she complied with her feeds until the next morning.

The next morning rolled round and Meredith knew exactly what she was going to do, she said goodbye to Addison and told her she would be fine (obviously lying) and Addison went to work none the wiser.

Meredith pulled her tube out and went to the bathroom she grabbed her blade and cut deep into her skin then she took loads of pills and finally she called Addison telling her she loves her and she is sorry before hanging up.

Addisons POV-

*incoming call from Meredith grey*

"Hey mer how-a" Addison says before she gets cut off by a frantic Meredith

"I love you I'm sorry Addie" before Meredith hangs up the phone.

Immediately Addison knows exactly what Meredith had done, she ran to Bailey frantic screaming and crying

"BAILEY we need to send an ambulance to Meredith greys house she's tried to kill her self hurry please!"

"Addison how do you know she's"


"Okay okay"

Addison runs off crying to Callie to get some comfort.

Callies POV-

I saw Addison run towards me she looks like she is crying so I run over to her and pull her into my chest.

"Callie it's mer- Meredith she she tried to kill her self Callie hold me please"

"Okay Addie come on let's go to an on call room and wait for Meredith to get here I'm so sorry for what happened" Callie coos as she goes into an on call room locking the door after her so they could get some privacy.

"Come on Addie you can talk if you need but also I can just sit here and hold you okay. Do you need skin to skin like Meredith or is this okay" Addison just nods her head at this question and Callie takes her scrub top off and helps Addison to remove hers as well, the redhead immediately latches onto Callie holding onto her for dear life and sobbing into the Latinas chest.

Callie gets a page to the ER for Meredith grey and she immediately freaks out but Addison is still sleeping so doesn't want to wake her. She pages Arizona to come and comfort Addison because she knew the redhead could not be left alone right now. Arizona comes into the on call room unlocking the door from the outside.

"Zona she likes skin to skin contact I need to go tend to Meredith"

"Of course, Cal I saw Meredith she dosent look good at all so hurry I'll stay with Addison, page me once she is cleaned up and better okay"

" Of course" Callie says as she rushed out of the door

Addison POV-

I woke up and I heard the voice of Arizona robbins, I was so confused I remember snuggling up with Callie not callie's  wife, I jumped up and put my top on

"Where is Meredith I need to see her"

"She's okay Addie I'll take you to her now although I must say she is in a state, she is refusing to eat and she is restrained as well as being sectioned so it may trigger you"

" I don't care I need to see her" Addison says

"Okay I'll take you to her now then"

As Addison walks into Merediths room she's on so many drugs and her heart just melts she loves Meredith she doesn't want her to be in pain, she goes over to her and snuggles up to her placing a kiss upon her temple and humming away to her as she slept.

Merediths POV-

I woke up to see Addison beside me and I just cried

"Addie I'm so sorry I didn't mean to hurt you I just couldn't handle things anymore I started hearing voices and I was scared I'm sorry I will try harder I promise we will get to be us soon"

"It's okay Meredith I will wait for you I love you so I'm not annoyed about waiting I will visit you every day until you get out"

Dr Wyatt walks in and pulls Addison to the side

"I have officially diagnosed Meredith will BPD, anorexia and psychotic episodes, with the right medication and therapies she will manage perfectly fine so don't worry you will get to be with her as soon as we get dosages  correct and the meds correct as well"

"Okay thank you doctor Wyatt"

Addison stayed by Meredith for 3 hours before going home and making sure to keep herself safe so Callie and Arizona came round to make sure she ate, showered and called her therapist. Addison did this without hesitation knowing she was on the right meds and dosages for her and once Meredith gets hers right she will be okay, she goes to bed and Callie and Arizona stay the night in the guest room.


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