I need you now

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A week later and Meredith still wasn't out of psych she was getting a bit better, she got some passes out of the hospital mostly day passes no night passes yet but she is working towards them. Addison still visits her every day and this helps Meredith a lot, she realised that she really needs her and she could not have come so far without her in her life.

Merediths POV-

I have been in the hospital now for a week and a bit, it's not fun but most of the nurses know me already because I have been in this ward about three times in my life already, I kept getting diagnosed incorrectly but I'm taking lithium as my mood stabiliser, aripirazole for my mania and bipolar episodes, dieazapam for sedatives and sertreline for my depressive episodes, I find they are helping stabilise me which is good, I miss Addison lots though I miss her hugs every night I miss her baths I miss everything about her. I have a goal at least to get out of hospital and to be able to have Addison to myself to love her, care for her and cherish the moments with her. I still have my moments and I'm not allowed night passes yet but I'm so close to being able to obtain some. I'm buzzing for the time when I can cuddle Addison in our own bed and In my own house.

Doctor Wyatt walks in with a smile on her face and I'm not entirely sure why

"Good morning Meredith how are you feeling"

"Yeh I'm fine I guess. Missing Addie but I'm stuck in here so"

"I have some good news for you. So Addison approached me yesterday and she would really like it if you got a night pass, now normally I would say no because your just getting better but I know you love her and your making some good progress as well. Becuase you are no longer anorexic just underweight and I think your meds are helping  she will be here to pick you up at 4:00 how does that sound?"

"OMG thank you so much doctor Wyatt I swear I could hug you but I'm not going to I'm saving all my hugs for Addie, I promise I won't let you down Addie has been through this so she knows what foods are off limits for me because they are hard to eat, thank you thank you thank you"


A few hours later Addie came to collect me, I ran up to her and jumped into her arms wrapping my legs round her as I kissed her on the head

"Addie I'm so happy to see you, I've missed you so much I'm so glad I will get to hug you all night"

"So am I Meredith I've missed you like crazy I've got a whole night planned let's get you home"

"I'm so excited"

"Meredith has to be back on the ward for 10am sharp tomorrow" dr Wyatt said

"Of course let's go Mer"

We arrived home and Addison immediately pulled me into a massive hug

"Mer before you come home I need you to promise me if you feel like hurting yourself I need you to tell me because we need to be able to be honest and open in order to help ourselves. you  tell me and I will tell you when I'm struggling as well, if we are going to work as a relationship then we need to be honest with each other, if it helps when you went into the ward I struggled and still do because you were, and still are my cheerleader you make it seem like there is nothing in the world that can go wrong when
I'm with you, I miss that but as it did for me I think being in the ward for another 2 weeks will do you so much good because although I hated the fact I was put in the ward it helped me get to this stage in my life, we will continue with our struggles but I think the first step is to tell each other how we feel so we can make a safety plan" Addie said to me as we snuggled in the couch

"Oh Addie I'm sorry you struggled I'm so sorry, I'm going to be honest I'm not feeling my best right now because I don't have all of my therapists round me and I don't want you to have to see me struggle but now that you have said that you don't care if I break in front of you I will try and let my walls come down, I love you now can we have a bath please"

"Of course Mer then we can have tea, what do you want we can have tomato soup with bread and butter or plain pizza with nothing on the side?"

"Can we have soup and bread with butter I'm not feeling very up to eating a big meal"

"That's fine my love okay let's go and take a bath"

Meredith and Addison took their usual bath together and they both massaged their tight knots out of their muscles and they just held each other because they were both taking in every moment together before Meredith had to go back to the ward, they finished their bath and they went to snuggle in bed.

Merediths POV-

I looked into addies emerald green eyes and her luscious lips all I could think about was kissing them, I told her I would wait till I was out of hospital but I don't think I can anymore I just bit my lip and went for it.

Addisons POV-

I saw Meredith looking at me seductively and she bit her lip which made my stomach flutter as if I were 16 kissing boys in my car, she leaned in and kissed me, her lips were so soft her kisses were so tender yet rough at the same time, she grazed her tongue against my bottom lip asking for entry and I happily parted my lips, I grabbed onto her cheeks and pulled her closer into me, her tongue exploring every inch of my mouth as I let out small moans because she tasted so good, she suddenly flipped me over so she was straddling me as I lay down, she worked her way down to my neck and started peppering my neck with kisses

"Mer I need more leave all the marks you want just take me please" Addison moaned in pleasure

"As you wish I will only stick to kissing you because I think sex should wait until I'm out yeh?"

"Of course"

Meredith returned to sucking on Addisons neck, until she found Addisons sweet spot right under her neck

"Oh oh oh fuck Meredith"

"Hmm I guess I found your sweet spot" Meredith growled as she continued to Addisons collar bone, eventually Meredith pulled away and just kissed Addison on the lips

"Goodnight Addison don't worry you will get to taste every inch of me soon I promise"

"Goodnight Meredith that was the most perfect night"

"Love you" whispers Meredith

"I love you more" Addison whispered back.


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