Chapter 1: "That's not my face!"

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Hello and welcome to my new story, Sweetheart! I'm so excited for you to follow along with me on my journey. This story is harder for me to write than the last one because I didn't have an outline first. Your comments will help me write faster, I promise! Without further ado, please enjoy the first chapter of Sweetheart!

The reason it took me so long to post the first chapter is because when I started writing, i was suddenly bombarded with final projects for class. Thanks for your support anyways!


It was the start of a new year at Los Feliz High School, and Julie was excited to finally start high school and be in the music program at her school. As she said goodbye to her mom, hopped out of the car, and started her journey to the front doors, she couldn't help but smile while thinking about all she was about to accomplish.


"Oops, sorry!"

In all her awe of the beautiful school that laid before her, she managed to run straight into someone.

"It's okay. I'm Reggie, by the way."

"Hi, Reggie, I'm Julie."

He gave her a small smile before racing to catch up to what she assumed to be his friends. Reggie had dark brown hair and wore a leather jacket with a flannel tied around his waist, one of his friends was tall with blonde hair, and the final one had light brown hair and a sleeveless shirt with toned arms emerging from them that Julie wouldn't mind staring at if she had the chance.

She watched them until they were out of sight before returning her gaze to the seemingly giant school ahead of her. One last deep breath and she was on her way to what felt like the first day of the rest of her life.

Only, high school isn't what it's like in the movies and t.v. shows. Julie did manage to find Flynn amongst the many students in the crowded halls, but she couldn't find her first class.

"Need help?"

A voice to her right made her stop in her tracks.

"You look lost," the voice said again.

"How'd you know?" Julie answered.

The voice walked in front of her, and to her surprise, it was Reggie's friend. The one with the sleeveless shirt and brown hair. Now Julie could see the perfect smile and hear the masculine voice that emerged from his mouth.

"You're making this face," he said while making what quite possibly wasn't her face.

"That is not my face."

"Yeah, it is."

Julie gave him what she hoped was an annoyed look, but with those hazel eyes staring down at her, she couldn't quite tell. After a beat of silence, he spoke again.

"Listen, do you want help or not?"

Julie rolled her eyes before handing her schedule to him. As he took it from her hands, his fingers grazed over hers, sending butterflies in her stomach. The boy studied her schedule, looked up at her, and spoke while handing her paper back to her.

"Coincidentally, we have the same class. I'll walk you there. C'mon."

He nodded his head to the left and started walking, not even looking back to see if she was following. Julie decided it was best to follow him, so she walked a little faster than normal to catch up with his long strides. As they walked through the doors, they were met with a gaze from the class.

"Ah, Luke, I should have expected you to be late on the first day, take your seat."

The teacher gestured her hand to the only two seats left right next to each other at the center of the room. Julie quickly took her seat, not knowing if she could take any more embarrassment, but Luke walked slower than she ever thought possible.

The teacher started again.

"As I was saying, my name is Ms. Harrison, and I'll be your music teacher this year. Let's go over the syllabus."

Throughout the class, Julie felt lingering gazes from everyone in the class. It was super uncomfortable, and the longer it went on, the faster she wanted to leave.

Luckily, she was able to find the rest of her classes that day. While she was waiting for her mom to pick her up after school, she retold her story to Flynn.

"Girl, it's the first day, and you already found yourself a boyfriend."

"He's not my boyfriend. I didn't even know his name until Ms. Harrison said it."

Flynn shot her a look that Julie couldn't quite describe before bursting out laughing like she had just been told the joke of the century.

Julie's face grew a confused expression before smiling and rolling her eyes.

Julie's mom pulled up to the curb and honked the horn. As the two girls got in the car, she spotted the group of guys that had been appearing in front of her throughout the day. Before she realized it, she and Luke locked eyes for a split second. Julie could feel the heat rising to her cheeks, so he quickly looked away and focused on the road ahead as her mother drove away.


As always, Constructive criticism is very much appreciated! Let me know your thoughts about this chapter in the comments! I hope you have enjoyed the first chapter of Sweetheart!

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