Chapter 16

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Hey there! It's Araina! 👋 I hope you have started taking interest in my new story 'Overlooked' which is a spin-off to 'Prejudiced'. Thank you for your interest...😊

And for those that didn't visit the story yet, let me remind that it's a spin off and the strings of the stories might often be interconnected.

As for this chapter...we have already seen Hardik getting information of the whole Eshaanvi-Rahul fiasco from Bhavna. In 'Overlooked' we see him trying to be a good friend while advising Rahul to be a caring yet liberal brother to Eshaanvi. Rahul realizes his sore attitude and with Hardik's consoling words in mind, he now has a solution that'd cater to Eshaanvi's involvement in the IPL as well as his protectiveness towards his sister. But, what is that?


I could barely get a sound sleep while trying to adjust my body in the living room couch barely measuring 3 ft of width.

I would feel cold as well but I decided to ignore that. I just wrapped myself by my knees and laid hoping no tomorrow.
How can one small decision I took for myself take me so downhill? What did I actually do to deserve this? While I laid, I heard my phone ring a number of times..from home. Bhavna called me more than five times. I pretended my laziness amidst the fear of being shattered and didn't receive the calls. I tried isolating myself to the coldness I might be destined to. But, I didn't even realize that despite the existence of my inner coldness, my outer coldness kinda vanished. I felt a little warm and especially towards my twilight sleep, I felt so contented that I totally forgot where I slept.

I hugged myself cozily as I turned my body to the other side carefully somewhat realizing I was on the couch. I pulled the covers accordingly and...

Wait! Covers! Ain't I sleeping on the couch?

My hands searched for the sheet above me as I eyes preferred to rest and then I felt it. My bedspread!

I opened my eyes awestruck as my eyes fell on my favorite pink coverlet. I sat up looking around. It must be around 5 and I still laid on the couch.

But, who brought the bedspread here?
Did Rahul ...?

No. With the mood he left with, I don't think...

I looked at the bedspread again. 'Thank you Krishna..' I said closing my eyes and thanking god.

But, the silent environment was soon interrupted with creek sound of a door opening and guessing by the direction, I definitely knew, who's making his way.

My eyes rolled in annoyance.

Hardik fucking Pandya! I already hated him so much and after seeing the way he completely ignored Rahul and my dispute like an emotionless jerk, I hate him even more.

I do not expect and neither do I need any sympathy from this idiot but he should've at least known the courtesy of asking me what happened! Mannerless jerk!

Hearing the footsteps, I quickly laid myself again on the couch, pretending sleep peacefully.

And then, a sort of humming reached my ears. God knows what this idiot was singing but it bugged my ears so very much. How can someone be so out of tune?

I slightly parted my eyelids to see Hardik wandering near the TV cabinet, looking for something. He was wearing a black muscle T and gret sweatpants.

Ugh! He's messing up the drawers again!

'My headphone...' he muttered suddenly turning around in my direction.

Oops...I closed my eyes.

Prejudiced(A  Hardik Pandya Fanfiction) |Slow Updates|Where stories live. Discover now