38. Imaginary Enemies

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"How insane is this guy? He has the first genetic ability that can kill the Cluster!"

"Don't sound like he's invincible, Jace. Kor will break him like a toothpick." A sigh of worry. "He fought so good out there."

"No kidding! I think most of us would be dead if it weren't for him."

"Jace, be real. It was Ryan who saved the day. My brother had to save your butt on occasion."

"I think JT and I did a good job, too."

"Nah," the musical voice mocks. "You were just backup."

"Good one, Lily."

Seeing black, I can hear voices. The moment I hear Lily's name, I reply, "Guess that makes me backup then, too."

The voices I hear say each other's names, but they didn't have to for me to figure out who they were. I recognize them anywhere. My eyes open, and they're looking down at me as if they're waiting for something exciting to happen. I'm plopped upside against an uneven bed with uncomfortable sheets. Worst of all, my arm is in a cast and my head is wrapped in bandages. The hospital room I'm in is small, and I have it to myself with Jace and Lily.

I am humbled they bought me balloons and cards that say, "get well soon." No one else came to visit me or to see if I was doing okay. It's almost hard to believe that. Besides Frankie and Danny, someone in the tournament must think of me as their friend. Where's Tyrone? I hope he's okay.

Lilly looks at me worriedly. "How are you feeling?"

"Are you feeling okay, Sag?" Jace rapidly repeats after.

"Y-yeah," I answer.

But I have a headache. Cameras are filming me. They must want to hear what I have to say after whatever happened during the last mission. The hospital gown I'm wearing doesn't have a back, so my butt will be broadcasted if I stand out of bed. "What happened?"

Lily bites her lower lip. "There was no winner, Sag. The Cluster invasion was something no one expected. Abigail was terrified. She left it to Ryan, JT, and Jace to send them straight off. But she's going to critique your performances before the attack happened."

"The show must go on," Jace chants. "Right?"

"Right," I whisper. "Those spiders are the Cluster?"

"They work for the Cluster," Jace clarifies. He approaches the table and pours himself a cup of water from the pitcher. "Those spiders are called Zusks. Once you kill them, they just start multiplying. But crazy how you went up against them," he adds, and I savor the incredibility in his tone.

But then panic at the severity. "It was an invasion," I realize.

"Only a small one," Lily promises. "There aren't any other hot spots."

Jace finds it funny she knows all of this. He sits on the edge and stares fascinatedly at Lily. "Who told you?"

"I overheard Kendall talking to Abigail," Lily explains. "She thinks someone from Nightfire helped the Cluster reach the colosseum. Which is—crazy! I'm not sure I heard her right."

"You definitely didn't," Jace agrees. "Besides, when do you listen to my sister?"

I pick up on Kendall and Lily's relationship quickly. Two ladies, both with brothers on a competitive, elite team, must have rivalry towards each other. "You guys don't get along?" I guess.

Lily gives me a look, and I instantly drop the topic.

Speak of the devil, attention turns to Kendall when she enters my hospital room. I can't help but to notice Lily cringe. The green blouse my mentor's wearing is made of silk and looks expensive. Her wavy, brown hair is pulled back into a ponytail, showing off her fresh, pale face that beams a smile. "Hey, Sag. Are you okay?" She sounds sweet as a mother. After taking another step into the room, I notice she's carrying a box of doughnuts and a milkshake.

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