Chapter 1

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Hey Guys!! Just wanted to say a few things before I start my story. This story is completely my own. I may have got inspiration some other stories but this idea is all mine. Coincident story lines are completely unintentional.I also do not allow any one to copy my book. Its mine and mine alone.There is violence which may be sensitive to some readers and a lot of drama.

The first few chapters will be short .

Thats it guys. I hope you enjoy.

Caroline walked down the stairs as fast she could. She was late for her night shift at the diner . Ashley had already left. She had slept in. She was gonna kill her as soon as she reached the diner as it was her job to wake her up.

Ten minutes later Caroline walked into the diner. She tried to sneak in the back door but for some strange reason it was locked. Just her luck. Just when she wanted to sneak in, it had to be locked. The back door was never closed. She had to walk in through the front door to see her boss frowning at her. She could sense that he was not gonna let her off the hook this time.

She put on her best apologetic look and walked over to him.As she opened her mouth to say yet another reason for being late, the older man raised his hand to stop her.

"I don't need any more explanation Caroline. You are fired. You may get your stuff and leave."


"No buts Caroline. You are late everyday and each day you have a new excuse. As much as I want to keep you here I can not afford it. I have hired another waitress to take your place."

As if on cue another girl who looked about her age walked out from the kitchen carrying one plate on each hand.

Caroline looked from the boss to the new waitress and back to the boss. As much she wanted beg him to give her one chance, she knew its of no use. She sighed and slowly walked over to the staff room and to her locker. She had barely opened her locker when Ashley walked in. She looked worried and guilty.

"I am so sorry Car!! I know I was supposed to wake you up but Josh called me to hang out with him before work and I forgot and oh...I am so sorry"

Caroline looked at her and she knew she was genuinely sorry.

"Ash, Calm down girl. Its completely fine. Its not like I haven't been fired before. Come on, its me I will find another job in no time"

Even though she felt the words leave her mouth ,she herself had no idea what she was gonna do. But it was not Ashley's problem to worry about. She had her own problems.

Her best friend looked a little relieved but still looked sad. Caroline leaned forward and hugged her tightly.

"Its OK Ash I will be fine. Besides, I hate working with you."

She felt Ashley relax and let out a soft chuckle.

"Now let me get outta here before my ex boss comes and pick me up by my neck and throw me out."

Ashley laughed. Caroline turned back to her locker and emptied its contents to her bag.

"See you at home, Car. "

"Yup" she replied popping the p.

She walked out of the diner with as much as dignity as she could muster up and without a second look, started towards her apartment. She had no idea what she was going to do.Even if Ashley helped her she couldn't survive a month without a job, not with the amount of dept she was in.

She broadened her shoulder and sighed. She had been through worse. If she could live through that she could live through this.

She walked through the streets of Virginia.It was really quiet as it was late, the only sound she heard was from the one or two cars that passed by. She turned a corner and that's when she heard it. A loud bang. The sound of a gun...

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