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author note: okay so, this might be confusing to my readers that aren't from europe if i don't state it in the beginning but basically... summer break is only 6 weeks in the country im living in and i wanted to inform you that i will go by that. in borders, their summer / semester break will only last 6 weeks too to match the storyline. just thought i'd make this clear to avoid any confusion!

this is a long chapter and split in two parts, so please don't force yourself to read all of it in one go. don't forget to take care of yourself and get rest whenever you need it!

have fun reading!

youngjo packed quite a few things into his luggage after he woke up and took a shower because his sister told him he should get ready to stay for at least two weeks. she didn't say more except that it was really important, emergency important and youngjo couldn't help but feel nauseous by the worry that was filling his chest. a few hours later he was already sitting in the train on his way to busan, nervous of the thing that would await him there. not even the music that was blasting through his headphones could fully distract him at this moment. the train was moving so fast, the view from the window was just looking like blended colors on a canvas.

he wondered if he should just sleep the time off but even if he wanted to, he couldn't. his head was flooded with thoughts that were rushing past the next one just as fast as the train was rushing past the objects outside and he wished he could just pass out. a sigh escaped his mouth, loud enough to relieve some frustration but still quiet enough to not upset anyone who might actually be sleeping.

he wondered how hwanwoong was doing. if asking for time was selfish and confusing to the smaller. he just didn't know what to do. the moment got so overwhelming and if he was honest, he was just scared. scared of the responsibility he had from that moment on, carrying the fact they had mutual feelings for each other on his shoulders and he didn't know how to deal with it, at least not in that moment. youngjo fled every time something got hard or overwhelming. it was just in his nature and after a short time he already was the master in this topic. he fled from his parents, he fled from the truth, he fled from his feelings and now he was fleeing from hwanwoong.

his head threatened to hurt because of all the thoughts and emotions he was feeling and he hoped to get some rest from the thoughts when he arrived in busan. then he remembered he wasn't coming here for fun and his stomach twisted again. god, i really hate this.

a few hours later, he finally reached his destination. he got up and stretched first, the long sitting caused his muscles to feel tired and he slowly walked to the exit. the passengers were storming out of the train as if there was a free candy event outside and youngjo couldn't help but wonder why some people decided to live in constant stress. when one passenger bumped into him, he frowned and sighed.

i hate people.

after everyone walked out, he finally stepped out of the train too and looked left and right in hopes of seeing his sister somewhere... but she was nowhere to be found. however, he did see a familiar face that lit up whenever their eyes met and he too smiled at the person. the female with long, dark blue hair was walking towards him and opened her arms when she got close enough to the male to embrace him in a short hug.

"welcome, youngjo. did you have a good time traveling? that bruise hopefully didn't happen on your way here?"

"i... it was okay i think. and no, that happened yesterday. where is mi?" he asked, slight worry building up in his chest at the fact his sister didn't come to pick up him up, instead it was her girlfriend welcoming him.

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