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"i'm so excited to sleep in tomorrow. this week was rough." keonhee said while stretching his arms behind his head. he accidentally hit a student that was walking past the table they were sitting at, almost causing the person to drop their food. he apologized by folding his hands and bowing his head quickly.

"what did you even do to be that exhausted?" seoho laughed.

"i studied math?" he answered while raising an eyebrow.

"that one day with hwanwoong and dongju doesn't count. i bet you guys didn't even study properly and talked about unnecessary shit."

"hey, it was not unnecessary shit!" dongju said offended, basically exposing his friends and himself.

"oh, let's hear then. what did you guys talk about?" seoho smirked. that's when dongju realised what he has done, hwanwoong and keonhee both glaring at him.

seoho read the mood pretty quickly and snorted "i guess either keonhee or hwanwoong brought it up."

"b-brought up what? i know nothing!" dongju said while crossing his arms.

curiosity got the best of geonhak and youngjo and they were desperate to know what the thing seoho talked about was. the orange haired male did not fail to notice that.

"me and keonhee kissed on his birthday." he said casually but hissed once he felt keonhee's hand land on his chest. geonhak and youngjo looked at each other with a surprised expression on their face, chuckling after they witnessed keonhee's action.

"yah! did you ask me if you could tell them?" another slap. "how could you just say it so casually?" the next slap. "idiot!"

"it was just a kiss. stop giving me that look." seoho said once he saw geonhak's eyes piercing into him.

"was it...?" geonhak murmured.

"you act like a kiss between homies is gay."

"why are you always talking nonsense? keonhee is gay. and you're into boys too, your statement is no statement." youngjo said.

"why are you even talking, straighty." seoho huffed, geonhak bursting out into laughter.

"whatever." the dark haired male said while shifting his eyes to the wall.

"that was not just a kiss between homies." hwanwoong sighed with raised eyebrows.

"enough!" keonhee said, not wanting them to carry on with this conversation.

"my homie, keonnie~" seoho said while throwing his arm around keonhee's shoulder, the said male just rolling his eyes at his words.

geonhak just raised an eyebrow and shook his head.

"what? you're acting like you never gave dongju a homie kiss." the orange haired male said.

"yeah and now we're literally dating, seoho. can you just shut up? it's getting weird. i'm scared of being your homie now." geonhak laughed, hwanwoong and youngjo joining in right after.

"don't worry. i only kiss attractive people, homie." seoho teased. keonhee couldn't help but blush at the male's words. he thinks i'm attractive?

"can't you see keonhee is uncomfortable guys? let's stop this conversation here." youngjo said, keonhee giving him a thankful look after.

"anyways... what are your plans for tomorrow?" geonhak asked.

"i have to go to work tomorrow." seoho sighed.

"and i have to sleep." keonhee answered.

"i'm going to edit the video for my project." youngjo said.

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