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hwanwoong sighed when he entered his apartment. he placed the keys on the dresser and took his shoes off, walking straight to the kitchen part of his apartment after to drink some water. if it wasn't for keonhee to calm him down, he'd probably still ghost around the streets. hwanwoong felt his stomach twist when he thought about youngjo's words again.

"you kissed eunwoo and me already, why don't you go ahead and kiss them too since you enjoy it so much?"

he never wanted it to end up like this. yes, the thing youngjo said wasn't okay and it hurt him but he also knew this only happened because he provoked it. he could've said no to the dare, he could've backed out but still decided to go for it. how was hwanwoong supposed to know it would actually mess with youngjo that much?

you never talk about your feelings. you left me no choice.

hwanwoong knew this wasn't actually youngjo who spoke but the jealousy inside of him. still he wouldn't let it slide that easily.

youngjo's reaction was... not the thing he expected. but seeing how his usually so calm and kind best friend turned bitter and ugly because of a dumb, stupid 3 second kiss that was forced up from a dare gave hwanwoong every answer he needed to be completely sure about one thing:

youngjo did indeed have feelings for him.


"did you hear anything from him?" keonhee asked and hwanwoong nodded.

"yes... he tried to call me three times on sunday and one time on monday but i never picked up. he stopped texting me yesterday."

"what did he text you?" dongju was curious to know for whatever reason.

"the expected. 'i'm sorry for what i said hwanwoong.' and 'when will you talk to me again?' but i think he finally got the message. i'm not in the mood to talk to him right now, i want to let him suffer for a little more." he explained with a weak smirk on his lips, keonhee chuckling at that.

"damn, you're evil."

"he's in denial and this needs to stop. i don't understand why he still hides it all when it's obvious at this point. plus, the thing he said to me pissed me off and i want him to feel guilty."

"that's understandable." dongju said before sipping on his milkshake.

"hey! please don't let anything drop on the sofa." dongmyeong shouted while walking to the door. dongju rolled his eyes at that.

"i'm not a baby."

"you will forever be a baby." his twin said and smiled at him before putting his shoes on. "don't wait for me, i'll probably be home late."

"shut up! and okay, be careful." dongju said and the other's waved their goodbye to dongmyeong.

"where is he going?"

"he mentioned something about going to the record label eunwoo's dad owns this morning. they'll probably practice to record songs or something." keonhee nodded at dongju's answer and checked his phone after.

"i got to go guys, talk to you later."

"and where are you going?" dongju pouted, considering the fact they got here not even two hours ago.

"he's probably meeting up with seoho." hwanwoong teased and keonhee rolled his eyes at that. dongju then huffed out, not believing the tall male really wanted to ditch them.

"come on, keep your judgmental down. i'm only human." he whined while walking to the door to take his shoes on "see you sometime this week then!"

"yeah, bye." hwanwoong laughed and both friends watched keonhee leaving dongju's apartment.

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