Chapter 65 - Polish and Scars

Start from the beginning

"I was busy."

"I'm sure Thor kept you up late before his grand departure."

You roll your eyes, your back still turned to Loki as you rearrange the plates on his tray, pairing the plates of warm foods together.

"Not that it's any of your business," you answer, focused on switching the plate of roasted pheasant with the plate of chilled greens. "But I was dueling with Fandral this morning."

Loki is silent as you finish your arrangement. You stand up straight, turning to face him, arms crossed. Your gaze meets his and a cold shiver runs down your spine as it feels like his gaze tears right through you.

"Why did you run off, yesterday?" he asks, cocking his head and narrowing his gaze.

"I didn't 'run off', Loki," you say, scrunching your forehead in frustration. "I left. Intentionally. You invaded my privacy. I wasn't okay with that. It wasn't acceptable."

That mask of chilled, pleasant tolerance shifts to one of disgust as he snarls at you.

"I determine what is acceptable, mortal," Loki scowls. "Do not forget, I am a god and a prince."

Exhausted by this same conversation, the one you've had countless times over the past weeks. Without thinking, you sit on the edge of Loki's bed and bring your thumb and forefinger to the bridge of your nose as you try to rub away the tension.

You wonder fleetingly if you'd make him even more irritated by sitting on his bed, but when you lift your eyes, you see only that same disgust with perhaps a tinge of jealousy reflected back.

"Why do you linger here, mortal?" Loki sneers as your eyes meet his from his bed. "You've done your duty. You're free to go and find your thundering lover before he departs for that insignificant realm."

You stand, arms crossed, and take several steps towards Loki.

"I thought you didn't like me 'running off'? And Thor isn't my lover, Loki. We've been over this I don't even know how many times."

"And yet each time you come to me I smell him on you," Loki hisses, taking several steps closer to you, your chests now only a fingertip's length away. "You must be quite...close," he snarls down at you.

"And yet again," you say quietly, letting out a sigh. "The fool doth think he is wise."

Loki cocks his brow as you both fall silent. 

"Why are you here?" he asks, the disgust and anger now gone from his eyes. For the first time, you see a softness. A concern.

"I told you," you answer. "I've been tasked with bringing you your food to make sure you eat."

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