thirty five : forgetful clouds

Start from the beginning

it was kind of gross. but he was atleast happy jungkook had put that down so he didnt stain his bed sheets.

grabbing the towel, the boy limped very slowly to his bathroom. rinsing the towel doing his best not to touch it much. then tossing it in the dirty laundry.

then running the hot water of his bath, adding some lavender scent for the water. he really liked the smell of lavender. even if daisies were his favorite flower. lavender smelt the best to him.

when the boy dipped his feet in the warm bath, he let out a soft sigh of comfort. getting his whole body under the water. feeling his muscles relax.

taehyung hummed a soft tune to himself. his mind drifting off to jungkook, as usual. he hoped the male had snuck back to his chambers alright. but taehyung had faith in the ravenette, and was sure he did it easily.

remembering the previous night, taehyung blushed. suddenly putting his head under the water to hide himself from the embarrassment. even though he was embarrassed at himself, he couldnt help but think everything was so perfect.

jungkook was so perfect.

he was so sweet and soft with him. everything he did was really to just care for the prince. he always made sure taehyung was ok. he was loving and kind. he protected the younger like he was a piece of fragile glass.

in general.. not just during 'late night activities'.

after coming up for air, unable to hold his breath for too long under the bath water. taehyung leaned his arms on the side of the tub, looking out of the high window of his bathroom. he was able to see the fluffy white clouds from it.

they were really pretty with the mix of the morning sky colors.

seeing the clouds reminded taehyung of a scene from the book he was reading. so far it had been his favorite scene from the book.

the princess was laying down on the field of many small dandelions. her face up, eyes scanning the sky, looking at all the different shapes of clouds.

her flowy dress the hunter had got for her in the village laying with her, cutting right below her knees. the white fabric falling pretty against the yellow flowers.

the hunter sat a few meters away from her. his eyes scanning her pretty body, and soft features. his mind was running with so many thoughts.

she had been staying with him for more than a few months by now. and every time he saw her small smiles he felt something bubble inside him. it made him happy. to see her tiny flickers of smiles. 

though, he hadnt seen her full smile yet.

he hoped he would some day..

he bet it would be the prettiest thing he could ever imagine. maybe even better..

thinking about his book. taehyung was reminded that he wanted to read with jungkook some time. he made a plan to take jungkook to the library with him in the next few days.. when ever the older was free.


"come on~." jimin said, skipping slightly over to the fantasy isle in the beloved library. yoongi walking with a fast pace, trying to keep up with the happy boy.

"ok ok." yoongi said with a soft gummy smile. the two finally stopping when they arrived in the middle of an isle, the book shelves on either side blocking them from any one who might come in.

jimin quickly grabbed a book he was reading. about a pirate and a mermaid. "can we read this one/" jimin asked with a small tilt of his head. smiling a cute mochi smile at the older.

and who was yoongi to say no? "of course angel." he replied softly. bringing his face a little closer to the princes'.

jimin let his smile fall slowly at the sudden close proximity between him and the guard. "hi~.." jimin whispered when the two were nose to nose. yoongi chuckled at the cute boy.

"hi~.." he whispered back. their lips getting closer. jimin felt his body melt at the closeness. his hands holding the book slowly falling down. until he dropped the book down at his feet. still indulged with the soft eye contact with yoongi.

no more words were spoke, jimin feeling yoongis lips fall against his own. quickly melting into the kiss. jimin let the older take over, his hands snaking around yoongis neck.

the older held jimins waist gently. his own back softly hitting the book shelf behind him. barely even noticing as he fell into a trance at the kiss, as the two usually did.

forgetting everything when they kissed. it felt like pure bliss. jimin was able to erase any bad memory in his mind, momentarily, when he kissed the older.

yoongi was no different. he could forget all the hard work he had to do as a guard. or the frustration he felt when he wasnt able to visit his lovely prince. everything was forgotten when they kissed.

infact. the two were so focused on the kiss. the didnt hear the subtle footsteps and soft whispers that were quickly approaching their direction..


the next chapter will be the qna answers! please leave your questions on my conversation page. or just comment them right here!

thankyou so much for 1k followers!

luv chuuu



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