eleven : feeling

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taehyung sat silently at the long dinning table. only the sounds of his family's silver wear clinking against the fancy plates.

though, the boy sat with his eyes directed at his untouched food. his hands in his lap. listening to his still rapidly beating heart.

after the prince came to his realization earlier today, he hadnt stopped thinking about.

no, it wanst because he was shocked to get feelings for another boy.

but because the boy he had gained feelings for was a simple commoner boy. who lived a simple life in the very city he would soon rule. 

taehyung felt conflicted. of course, when he told jungkook about his secret the older didnt judge him. and on top fo that, comforted him.. something no one other than jimin had done for him.

but taehyung didnt know if jungkook was also attracted to males. and even if he was.. he wouldnt just tell taehyung. that was still his prince. even if they had bonded a secret friendship.


jimin looked over to his brother with a side glance. he noticed the boys untouched food. an array of meats and vegetables. more food than a small party could finish was on the table as usual. but no one expected any less being served to the royal family.

they should be served only the best.

jimin frowned slightly as he saw his brothers untouched food. wanting to speak up and ask him what was wrong. as it was obvious something was up.

but jimin had to hold his tongue. even though he was older, taehyung was still considered a higher up to jimin. as taehyung was the heir to the thrown, unlike him.

so, therefor, he wasnt aloud to speak to the boy until taehyung said something to him first, at least thats what he had to do infront of his parents.

the queen dabbed his lips with her clean napkin. she looked over to both the princes. seeing jimin finishing up his food and taehyung sitting still silent.

"is the food good taehyung?" she asked. causing the boy to flinch slightly, looking to his mother. he quickly nodded. "y-yes thankyou.." he replied, looking to the food he hadnt taken a bite out of yet.

the queen hummed softly, not giving him more time of her day. looking to jimin who delicately placed a bite of vegetables in his mouth. "did you enjoy your day jimin?" she asked.

jimin looked at her. "yes it was good mother. thankyou. i was reading lots in the library." he replied, his hand subconsciously fiddling with his pants under the table.

the queen nodded. "thats good." she said before going back to her food. jimin only nodded, eating once again too.

meanwhile the king sat at the head of the table, eating silently as he gazed upon the others. his eyes falling on taehyung, who still hadnt touched his food.

"taehyung. are you going to eat?" he asked with no emotion. taehyung flinched once again at the sudden voice, looking over to his father. "n-no father. im not hungry." he soon replied.

the king stared at the boy before humming. "very well. go to your room." he said turning back to his food before taehyung could reply.

taehyung looked at the king for a few seconds before getting up. "yes father." he replied, bowing to his family and exiting to his room. feeling a familiar lump build in his throat.

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