eight : town life

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no one pov

"wanna go swimming?"

jungkook asked after the few minutes of silence. taehyung looked at the older with slightly wide eyes. his nose still stuffy and eyes slightly red from rubbing them.

"n-now?" he asked softly. jungkook smiled softly, shrugging. "if you want to." he suggested. taehyung smiled ever so softly, looking up to the sky seeing the stars twinkling.

he sighed softly, he should really remember to bring a pocket watch or something next time.

after observing the sky, taehyung shyly looked over to jungkook. seeing the raven haired was already looking at him with a soft smile.

"b-but i have to go back soon.." taehyung said nervously. a small frown on his lips as he didnt want to leave, as usual. but jungkook chuckled softly at his words. "thats alright.. next time then." he said.

taehyung smiled again, nodding very softly at the older boy. both in a short daze until jungkook finally stood up. his hand reaching out for taehyung to grab.

"we should get you back to the castle now." jungkook said. taehyung sighed softly but nodded. softly reaching his hand for jungkook to grab. the older then helping taehyung get up.

"thankyou.." taehyung whispered softly, retracting his hand from the olders after getting up. jungkook smiled. "you're welcome."


as always, the two boys stood at the end of the forest. both not wanting to say goodbye to eachother. 

"i-i'll see you tomorrow night." taehyung finally said. jungkook smiled at the brunette. "ok.. i'll see you then.." jungkook mumbled softly. his eyes lingering on the young prince as he started to walk off.

when he could no longer see the prince, he sighed softly turning back around and heading to the city. his hands in his pockets until he finally arrived back to his small home.

the raven haired boy squinted his eyes shut, trying to be as quiet as possible as he opened the squeaky door. sighing softly as he finally got inside with out waking up his mom.

quietly walking to the bedroom. sighing softly as he saw his mother asleep on her bed one of the old books they owned in her hands. quietly walking up to her and placing the book on the table. 

jungkook soon yawned, laying down on his own bed and covering himself in the blanket. he turned over, facing the wall. a soft smile on his face as he remembered his time with the prince.

to be honest, it was still hard to wrap his head around. i mean, he was just a regular boy like him. on top of that, he was the kindest and softest human he's ever met.

and here he was thinking that everyone in the castle had to be horrible people after how he saw how they dealt with problems in the kingdom.

but his soft smile soon turned to a frown as he remembered his conversation with the prince. 

quiet shocked as he remembered the information he had learned. but even more shocked at how the boy talked about himself.

it made jungkook sad as he remembered the boys tears as he talked down about himself. but part of jungkook felt happy that taehyung felt comfortable enough to tell him such a thing.

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