five : day dream

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no one pov

taehyung wasnt sure how he did it. the whole thing was a blur. how he had managed to sneak past the guards and across the bridge, then all the way up to his room with out being caught.

all he knew was when he finally, gently, closed the heavy wood door behind him he was finally able to breath again.

the young prince felt his lips curl into a smile as he leaned against the heavy wood frame. biting his bottom lip slightly as he remembered the soft smile of the raven haired commoner boy.

soon, the boys eyes met the outside view from his glass doors. gasping inaudibly as he saw the morning sun just starting to rise over the mountains.

quickly hurrying to take off the heavy cloak, stuffing it in the back of his closet once more. chasing from his day clothes from yesterday, into some soft silk pajamas. he couldnt even lie, the soft material felt nice on his skin after staying in his dirty clothes from yesterday.

as much as he sometimes hated to admit it. he did enjoy some parts of being a spoiled prince.

after he was all dressed in comfortable clothes, the young prince crawled under his soft silk sheets of his large king sized bed. resting his head on one of his feather pillows, another cuddled in his arms.

a few extra pillows surrounding his body. making him feel more safe and secure in the empty cold bed that he shared with himself.


surprisingly, taehyung found that he had fallen asleep for a few hours. though, awoken by a soft knock at his door.

the brunette stirred in his sleep. rubbing his eyes as he awoke. he couldnt help but frown from feeling completely fatigued. the, only, few hours of sleep was sure to mess up his perfect sleep schedule.

"come in.." he spoke after a few seconds. smiling tiredly as he saw mina walk in with his morning tea and pastries. "good morning taehyung." she smiled. taehyung smiled softly. "good morning."

mina could notice his slightly tired eyes, worried he didnt have a good enough rest. "did you sleep ok?" she asked. taehyung looked at her, hesitating a little before nodding.

"of course." he smiled, trying to fix his tired face into a lively one. mina only smiled at the young boy, sighing softly. "i hope so." she replied.

mina then helped taehyung get dressed as usual. putting him in his standard everyday suit. white pants, white flowy under shirt. one of his many deep blue coats atop the said shirt. shiny black shoes on his feet.

his short white cape clipped around his neck. and of course his sparkly golden crown placed atop his perfectly fixed hair.

after he was dressed, taehyung went on his daily stroll through the grand garden. there was much to think about today..


the prince sighed softly, looking to the pretty willow tree, hearing the small chirps of the baby birds as he did everyday.

he smiled softly, sitting down on the pretty wooden bench. his mind falling into the memories of the previous exciting night. he was personally still shocked he even succeeded with out getting caught.

he smiled softly, remembering the pretty stars and shining moon. though, soon his smile turned into a frown when he remembered the scary men who tried to rob him.

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