Only time knows...

Start from the beginning

Both older demigods knelt in front of Nico, Will holding Nico's left hand and Percy holding Nico's right one. Holding his hands comfortingly.

"But I want to tell you two about it before anything happens..."

"Okay./Fine." They resigned. Sighing in sync. Nico smiled at this a little.

"What is it?" Will asked.

"I-i..." Nico stuttered. Percy and Will looking at him with encouragement to whatever he wants to talk about. Sighing and breathing in, Nico mustered up his courage. "I'M IN LOVE WITH THE BOTH OF YOU!"

It was silent for a moment. Percy and Will both in a state of disbelief and happiness.

"W-what did you just said?"

"I-we can't hear you clearly."

"... I may have fall in love with the both of you and i-its okay with me if you don't like me back and I-i know it's weird to fall in love with two peo–" Nico was suddenly cut off when two lips pecked on each of his cheeks.

"I love you too, Neeks."

"I fell for you too, death boy."


"We both love you?" Percy asked. Looking at Will, unsure.

"You both love me?"

"I love you, death breath." Will replied.

"And I love you too, Neeks." Percy added.

"... Is this a prank?" Nico started, laughing unsurely. "Are you guys pranking me? Are you going to embarrass me? Huh?!" Nico added, his chocolatey brown eyes starting to glisten.

"No!" They exclaimed. Percy hugging the already crying teen. Will rubbing his back comfortingly.

"Nico. We're not joking and this isn't a prank." Will said. Wiping some of tears on Nico's face.

"We both love you. So please stop crying..." Percy pleaded.

"R-really "


"We love you..."

"I love the both of you too." Nico replied, smiling at both of them genuinely, as he wiped the still falling tears from his eyes.


That confession happened 2 months ago and now the three of them are in a relationship for that long.

The journey of their relationship was rough, especially when both Percy and Will are only in love with Nico and not each other.

The first week was weird. Both loved the moments they spend together with Nico but at times the sharing always made them bitter.

They had to share Nico.

The kisses.

The hugs.

The cuddles.

And all of what Nico gives them in their relationship.

It was hard to cope up with, but when Nico left for his father's quest.

Both of them shared their emotions.





All emotions they felt when Nico was on a quest. They both shared it and empathize each other. Which made their friendship for each other going stronger.

In the week where Nico was gone. They both had each others back. They both shared their thoughts about their relationship and made their own kind of solutions.

Their friendship was surely weird. Both of them can't deny that. But it made everything work for them.


"Will! Percy! Nico's back!" Jason exclaimed, with a face of relief.

With no words, both son of Poseidon and son of Apollo ran as fast as they can. Running on their way to the big house.

They opened the door in a second. Running their way again as they enter the big house. Their eyes searching for their cute Italian boyfriend.

"Percy! Will!"


Both older boys hugged their Ghost King in a tight embrace. Their squished boyfriend happily feeling his boyfriends welcome.

"I missed you two."

"We missed you too, death breath." Will replied, kissing Nico's cheek.

"So much." Percy added. Kissing Nico on the head.


After 2 months of being in a relationship. Everything is good. Their relationship is going strong.

The love is stronger.

The trust is stronger.

They still love Nico very much.

The same with Nico's love for the both of them.

And maybe Percy and Will will learn how to love each other.

Nobody really knows...



Only time knows...


Sorry if isn't that good... I'm having some problems and I really don't know... This is rushed but maybe if I have time. I can rewrite it.


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