There are a few guests here which I'm glad about, however I notice two large cameras in the back, causing my anxiety to highten. I freeze. Elle noticing I'm not following her she turns to look at me. She follows my gaze.

"Don't worry about the cameras, I told them you're uncomfortable with having such a situation presented live on television..unfortunately I could only allow them to remove most of the crowd in the courtroom and two of their cameras," Elle gives me a sad smile. Although I calm down at this for a moment.

"It's fine, I'm shocked you managed to actually do all of that,"

"I'm your lawyer, you're my client, I don't want you to feel uncomfortable in anyway, but it's court. So who isn't uncomfortable?" A soft laugh escapes my lips. We walk to the tables where I we should be and beside me is the detective, a smug expression on his face, and possibly the owner of the Gucci store, with his lawyer beside him.

I swear if I could, I'd kill this detective.

The jury make their way into the courtroom and take their seats. A security cop walks to the front of the judge's desk, he turns towards us.

"All rise, the court is now in session," We comply. The judge, who I notice now as Frank Caprio, he walks in and takes a seat by the large desk.

"You may take your seats.." My anxiety and nerves take over me. I never knew I would end up in a court facing charges that I was not involved in at all.

"..This case is of Ms Lauren Jauregui, who was seen breaking and entering in a Gucci store and the assault of Lucas Dave, as well as a citizen who mentioned how Lauren Jauregui broke her wrist and didn't pay for her damage.." the judge raises his eyebrows at the latter. That last one is really unnecessary, but oh well. People really dislike me, not that I care.

 People really dislike me, not that I care

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Judge Caprio turns to the jurors. "As jurors you are not to be swayed by sympathy," the jurors nod respectfully.

"Prosecution please give your opening statement," the judge says. The detective stands up and buttons up his suit.

"Yes your honour."

"Lauren Jauregui should be induced with charges, for theft and assault, which will be proven today," My mouth opens in slight shock.

He is lying!!

"May the defence please give their opening statement," Elle stands up with confidence. Judge Caprio sends be a short friendly smile, which I return. Let's hope this case goes in my favour.

"Yes your honour, my client Lauren Jauregui, hasn't done any criminal acts nor has she been involved in them at all. We will be proving that today, your honour," I notice the detective give a stink eye directed to Elle and myself.

"I see, prosecution, you may begin," Judge Caprio informs. The detective stands up and walks towards the front and turns to the crowd, mainly the jury.

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