CHAPTER 12 : Part 4

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Jessica's p.o.v


I threw the needle and the cloth to my lap and sucked the dripping blood from my finger. Jesus! This is boring! And harmful too... I can't believe I'm killing my time like this. With sewing and embroidery and stuffs... How much I wish to go out and take a fresh breath of air! Ever since John and I had the tiff, everything's been hard for me. I have half a mind to start practicing here. It's high time I stop making use of John's money now. I'll have to talk to him before getting into conclusions. I know he wouldn't allow at first. But a little bit persistence from my side might end up the case.

Should I go and talk to him now? What's the time? I looked at the clock to know it was fifteen minutes past ten. He should be in the office. A visit isn't going to harm either of us. What if he's in a meeting? Go and check yourself, will you Jessy?

I rolled my eyes at my laziness and ditched the needle and cloth. There you go, boring embroidery! And here I come, Barristry! I made my way through the narrow corridors towards his office room.

"Good Morning, Madam" Some of the servants greeted me.

"Morning" I wished them with a plastered smile.

When I finally reached the half open door, I was astonished to the core. Not by the vision in front of me but what I had to hear. I gasped in utter shock and disappointment. I can't believe this is the same man who charmed me enough to make me fall in love with him! This just can't be! He wasn't this cruel! He cannot be this cruel!

I got hold of my overflowing emotions and willed myself to do what should be done. Turning swiftly, I ran towards our bedroom. I'll have to inform her. This is important. Reaching the telephone in our room, I dialed for RC's telephone. The buzzing sound filled my ears. Damn it! The line is dead! I'll have to use the other one.

To my horror, I saw his grinning face when I turned.

"Oh!" I screamed in sudden shock, panting as the after effect of rushing.

"Doing something important?" he questioned.

"Um... No... I mean, not really" I lied.

"You seem tensed" he stated.

"Do I?" I chuckled nervously.

"Yeah... As though you were going to do something secretly... As though you want to 'inform' someone something secretly"

Oh great!

"John... This is wrong" I tried.

"I don't care if it's wrong or right" he replied nonchalantly.

"How can you even say that?! How can you be so cruel?!" I screamed, tears running down my cheeks.

"Oh stop with the tears Jessy! You don't have to over react every damn time! Things aren't that bad as you portray it to be"

"Seriously?! Is that what you think about what you are about to do?"

He rolled his eyes.

"I can't believe its really you..." I murmured defeatedly "You changed... You changed a lot John..." I raised my voice "You're blinded in your revenge now! You're no longer the man I fell in love with! You're not that man I married months ago! You're... You're not my John..."

He clutched his palms and closed his eyes. Opening them again, he seethed coldly.

"I don't care what you think of me but my love and concern for you haven't changed yet"

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