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Jessica's p.o.v

Three days! It's been three days since John locked me inside. There's nothing I haven't tried during this entire time. I tried escaping through the window but he has our guards on duty right down there. I tried breaking the door but it wouldn't even budge. Hell, I even derived a plan to escape through the fireplace chimney but I know he has our guards on the terrace. My last game was to try out a fasting spree but he overpowered me there too. I successfully managed to eat nothing for two days but John broke in and forcely fed me the following night. I even vomited but he didn't give a damn. I'm a prisoner in my own house. How ironic is that! Hah!

He would come everyday, explaining why he's doing this and that he's not at all wrong. I request and even beg to let Roy Chowdharys be but he never listens. I don't know when he's planning to do that accident and more than that, I don't know how I'm going to recover from the guilt I'll develop... Or will I recover ever?

I heard the door knob twisting and I know it's him. I straightened my shoulders and put on a determined face, ready to face him.

"Congratulations Jessy... You are free"

I scoffed at his unpretentious modulation. But slowly, the realisation dawned on me.

"No" I murmured in disbelief.

He grinned devilishly with a shrug.

"You... You killed him?" My voice was still meek, laced with hurt and sorrow.

"I didn't... It was an accident"

I stood up from the floor and took his collor.

"Yeah... A well planned one!"

He chuckled satisfied, as though he was expecting my attack.

"How dare you John Greenwood?! Who do you think you are?! Who gave you the permission to take a man's life?!" I shook him by his collor, screaming at the top of my voice – tears running down mercilessly from my orbs.

"I didn't wanted do... He left me with no choice!" He shouted back.

"Oh really? Or was it your constant failing in front of him taking a toll on your male ego?" I questioned.


"John Greenwood! You don't have the right to call me that..." I snapped back "You lost it" I whispered.

He stared back at me in anger and helplessness.

"Ahem" Someone cleared a throat from the doorframe and I released my grip on him.

"What?!" John snapped in frustration.

"There's a message from Simon sir... Mr Roy Chowdhary is very much alive, he said" The boy replied warily.

John stared at him wide-eyed.

"Oh thank Jesus!" I whispered in relief and drew cross across my chest.

Thank you for hearing my prayers Lord!

"Shocked, are you Mr Greenwood?" I smirked at him.

He gave me a warning look.

"You do know there's a power above you, don't you? My Jesus and my Bond's Dugga Maa... They'll never let us down... And they'll never let evil win" I seethed and marched out of the room in haste.

I need to see them. I have to apologize. Breathing in the fresh air of freedom, I made my way towards Roy Chowdhary Mansion.

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