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Jessica's p.o.v

This wasn't the life I wanted. Hell, I never thought my life would turn into such a complicated mess. When did everything changed so suddenly? That too to such an extent that it changed me along with it! Where did my carefree, good to go life that I never get tired off went away? How much I wish for it to come back! He wasn't my choice. But I didn't regret or complain my fate. Because somehow, I thought I've had enough with my dreams during college days and the realization that he's not as old as his age presents him to be. In spite of Jean's constant protests and my Barrister self's screams inside me, I did decide to make daddy happy – as I have chosen always. I don't know when and how I fell in love with him. But then it was obvious – this was to happen, for he's my husband. And that was probably why it hurt when he was completely ignoring me now. This room doesn't hold that loving embrace when I enter it today, because the one that once held that feeling doesn't have it in him anymore – or may be, he's suppressing it. Either way, it's hard to digest. And I don't think I can endure this.

"John..." I tried cautiously.

He froze in his rocking chair, the chair freezing a halt all of a sudden. Then after a minute, it started it's rocking again. I remained mute, not knowing how to justify myself.

"So it was you" he said eerily.

I looked up to see his eyes still closed, rocking himself to comfort. I looked down again. What should I say?

A scoff made me look up again and I found him standing in front of me, eyes distant and cold.

"Really Jessy?"

"I'm sorry" I whispered.

He scoffed again.

"Sorry? Do you really think that word can solve this?"

I looked elsewhere, holding the tears that were threatening to fall down.


"You know why!" I yelled, looking him straight in the eye.

"I don't know" he replied pointedly.

"Because you are wrong!"

"You don't know Jessy! You don't know how much I've endured because of them!" he snapped.

"They didn't choose you John! You chose them! For your stupid ex-wife" I snapped back.

"So this is what it was all about? Your jealousy for that Indian rat I had to marry?" he scoffed again.

"I'm not that cheap, Greenwood"

His eyes widened at my response – probably at his second name.

"I told you I will inform you about the past. It was you who protested – saying you didn't want to know. And now you're blabbering your so called friend's statements to you"

"I protested because I knew you will be on wrong side! I didn't wanted to believe it because I love you! I cannot digest the fact that you are wrong! My Barrister self would never make it easy for us to be together if I did"

He chuckled harshly.

"Then hear me out now!" he roared "I didn't chose to go against them because that awful woman wanted to take her revenge on them. I did because that was my job. If she could have won that competition, Anirudh would have been my slave by now. That stupid boy can never be part of the freedom struggle and his attempts to brainwash people against us would have come to an end. Moreover, that family was adamant on revolting against the Indigo law then. I had to suppress any chance of protests that could arise before it get worse. That's my job! But unfortunately, the opposite happened. I had to resign my position because of them and you have no idea what the status of an official in the Company is if he fails in front of an Indian. Look at me now..." he came closer to my face, pointing at his handsome face "You know who I'm today... The Governor of the same Province which once made me resign my position from a mere village of it. Do you have any idea what all I had to do to be who I'm today? The level of humiliation I had to endure before reaching here only because of that family? No you don't" he leaned back "Because if you did, you wouldn't have chosen your friend over me"

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