"What do you want us to do, boss?" the trembling voice of Alex resonates.

All the men's eyes study the girl in front of them, "Grab the men, prepare the cars. WE are going to Beacon Hills." The emphasis on the 'we' make the twins look at each other and nod in understanding before walking out the door to follow the given orders.

In Beacon Hills*

Stiles and Scott are walking towards the field, whispering to each other while glancing at every passing person.

"Scott, what's wrong?"

The wolf looks around, "There's another werewolf."

Gazing at their surroundings, Stiles grills the wolf, "Who?"

"It was kind of like a scent, but I couldn't tell who it was?"

Looking out at the field, "What if you get him one on one, would that help?" A plan is formulating in the Spazz's head.


"Okay, I think I got an idea." Stiles runs off, disappearing from Scott's line of sight for a second before he runs back to the bench, "I told the coach that you're switching with Danny for the day." The human drops all the goalie equipment at Scott's feet for the wolf to put on.

A pained look crosses the boy's face, "But I hate playing goal."

"Remember when I said I had an idea?" a nod. "THIS is the idea."

Coach Finstock blows his whistle, and all the lacrosse players begin lining up for drills; Scott runs into the goal, and Coach tossed a ball at the first player in line. At the sound of Coach's whistle, the player begins to run towards the goal; before he could take any more steps, Scott sprints out of the cage and tackles the boy.

Stiles watches as each player begins the drill but soon gets tackled by his best friend. Wincing slightly, Stiles can practically hear Sara calling both him and Scott 'dumbasses.' Finstock quickly gets annoyed and storms over to Stiles, grabbing him by the cage in his helmet.

"Stilinski, what the hell is wrong with your friend?"

The boy stutters out a response, "Uh," a slight pause as Stiles tries to think of what to say, "He's failing two classes, he's a little socially awkward, he is kind of lost without Sara here telling him what to do, and if you look close enough his jawline is kind of uneven."

Finstock tilts his head and stares at Scott's jaw for a moment in thought, "Huh, that's interesting." Blowing the whistle one more time, only for Danny to be tackled by Scott. "McCall, you come out of that goal one more time; you will be doing suicide runs until you die. It will be the first-ever suicide run that ends in a suicide."

"Yes, Coach."

Jackson is the next person in line; he grabs his shoulder for show. "Hey Coach, my shoulder is hurting. I think I am going to sit this one out."

Jackson disappears from the line, leaving Isaac Lahey in the open. The boy's eyes change yellow, and his breathing becomes heavier. Isaac grabs the ball, and before anyone knew it, both wolves were charging at each other. They both contact each other so hard that they go flying in the air before hitting the ground hard. Both boys look up at the same time, yellow eyes meeting yellow eyes.

"Please don't tell," the new wolf pleads with Scott as Sheriff Stilinski, and another cop makes their way to the field.

Scott runs over to Stiles, and they both look at each other before watching the cops intently. "His father's dead." Scott relays the conversation to Stiles. "They think he was murdered."

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