Chapter 18: Alien Pattern (II)

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Alien Pattern (II)

The fourth was the Mercenary Guild. Even though it had been established a hundred years later than the other three guilds, it was the guild with the most people.

The rest of the Alchemy Master Guild, the Medicinal Herbalists Guild, the merchants Guild, and martial fighter Guild were all ranked at the back.
But ever since they had their own guild, these people had united, no longer under the orders of the Kings of other countries.

The guild was able to contend with the imperial power but still won in the end. This was because the imperial power could be alternated, but the guild could not.

However, the imperial power also found the Church of Light to rely on. There were even countries that believed in the God of Darkness.

However, thirty thousand years ago, the war between light and darkness erupted.

It was called the "Battle of Light and Darkness."

The reason was Undead Magicians. They believed in darkness and controlled undead and skeletons.

This was too much.

Another World emphasizes "death is great" and "returning to the ground to rest", alright.

Even black magic was allowed in the Mage Guild, but not undead magic.
After all, no one wanted to be manipulated after death, not even their souls.

Because the undead magicians included the Dragon's undead and skeletons, the Dragon Clan became enraged.

The Undead Dragons cannot rest in peace, and the Dragon Skeleton no longer spits out the Dragon Pure Power, but the Hellfire.
Aside from some bold Humans slaying a Dragon, anyone else who could get their hands on a Dragon corpse must have stolen the Dragon's necropolis.

The Dragon Clan participated.
It was not only the Dragon Clan but also the elves and the half-elves. It was because they were the favorite children of the God of Nature, and because they hated the Undead Magic the most, it was because death and rebirth were opposites.

The other races also shared a common enemy. Although the Beastmen did not believe in the Divine Religion of Light, they could not tolerate their own people being controlled after death. Most importantly, they were not Beastmen!
It was the human Undead Magician!

Other than that, there were also some unknown Demonic beasts in the records that participated in this battle.

Finally, the light won, and the followers of the Dark God retreated to the corner of the world, struggling to survive.
Undead Magician was not allowed to appear in this world. Every time they appeared, people would surround and annihilate them because the death mages were too dark.

After that was the honeymoon period for all the races. At that time, all the races could link up with each other, and humans only had one country.
But then, the expedition once again began.

First, the beastmen race fought a great battle with the humans, and finally, they occupied a third of the land. Although it was slightly to the north, the land was fertile and they formed their own country.

The Beast Kingdom.

From the very beginning, high defensive walls had been erected, and they were called "boundary walls". This boundary wall had always been increasing in height and width.

This world wall was built by the beastmen themselves. They had great strength, and so they used stones instead of burning bricks.

Following the appearance of the World Wall, even the Elves allowed their extended race, the Fairies, to surround the Forest of Life and use the poisonous and hallucinatory poisonous rattan plant, the Blue Fairies, to construct a Green World Wall with a dreamy blue color to prevent humans from stealing into the Forest of Life.

Then there were the humans, who used bricks and stones to construct their own boundary wall, which had the firm magic of earth mages on it. After it was built, as long as the magic array was not destroyed, this wall would not erode for hundreds or thousands of years.

Once they had the Boundary Wall, the people of each clan already created their own territory.

All sorts of world walls separated them, but the communication was still there. In the world walls, there were world cities, and the soldiers that guarded the world walls lived there.

There were three areas between the World City. That was where groups of people would interact.

There were also other races that lived in the Three Areas. They were either human fugitives or abandoned disciples of the Beastmen, as well as Fallen Elf that the Elves had chosen to join the Dark God, also known as Dark Elves.

But the Dark Elves were also said to have world walls, except that every living thing they saw was dead.

The barrier was set up, and the boundaries were divided.

After ten thousand more years of peace, everyone began another expedition. This time, it was the human themselves.

Then, the human race split apart again.

Three thousand years after the split, another great war broke out. However, humans had already evolved to a very smart level, and there was no longer a time for them to unite under the heavens.

As the countries of the continent continued their conquest, the countries also began to change.

Without the Dark Magic and pressure from the other races, the humans almost had their heads smacked in the face by the dogs.

Aside from the City of Holy Light located in the center of the continent, there were the Four Great Empires that were next to the City of Light. They were respectively the Alpha Empire, the Ottoman Empire, the Great Han Empire, and the Mongol Empire.

At first glance, Gongyang Xinghan was stunned when he saw Great Han Empire and Mongol Empire.

Although he knew that this world was definitely not a familiar world, his heart still pounded when he saw the familiar country's name.

However, at this time, a Red Dragon flew over from the outside. It was difficult to ignore its huge wings and size ... There was even the faint sound of a Dragon's roar coming from afar. That sound was ... Too disturbing.
He wiped his face and looked down.

The eight kingdoms were respectively:

The Emmy Kingdom and the Kingdom of Hans were all vassals of the Alpha Empire. (T/N: I feel like they are the American Empire)

Ora Kingdom, Ona Kingdom. They were the vassals of the Ottoman Empire. (T/N: Ottoman is the late name of the Turkey Empire)

The Xia Kingdom, Tang Kingdom, were all vassals of the Great Han Empire. (T/N: China of course)

The Prairie Kingdom and the Wandering Pastoral Kingdom were all vassals of the Mongol Empire. (T/N: Obviously the Mongolian Empire, who conquer China once)

Amongst them, the Mongol Empire was renowned throughout the world for occupying a large area of grasslands.
The remaining small kingdoms, duchies, and tribes all respected them.

Gongyang Xinghan calculated and thought for a bit. This continent was really big. There were actually over thirty small kingdoms, fifty duchies, and more than a hundred grassland tribes!

And there was one more thing because the place was big enough, and there were Magic Elements there, there was no lack of food, but the population was not very large.

Because of the years of war, including the non-combat casualties, it was actually only slightly lower than the number of people born.
This was Gongyang Xinghan's guess.

Apart from this, the guild also gave classes a ranking.

Magicians were divided into Magic Apprentices, Intermediate Magician, Advanced Magician, Magister, Grand Magister, Grand Magus.

(As long as one can release a rank 1 spell, you are an apprentice. If you have the ability to cast rank 3 spells, you will be an intermediate magician, If you have the ability to cast rank 5 spells, you will be Advanced Magician.)

Magic was also divided into levels one to ten, and those above level ten were at the Restriction Level, and those above level fifteen were at the Divine level of Saint-level, the Dharma Saints.

And according to the records of Dragon Clan, mages weren't at the level of Freedom.

Above Dharma Saint is a false god, above False God is a true god. Above a true god is a God, and upon condensing a divine spark, one becomes an eternal deity.

The Warrior Guild is also divided into Bronze Warrior, Silver Warrior, and Golden Warrior (Once you have a sense of Dou Qi (Mana), you can become a Bronze Warrior, and when Dou Qi can be released, you will be Silver Warrior.

A Warrior's highest rank is Gold.

Because there was still the martial fighter's Guild.

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