Chapter 40: Oceana's Secret

Start from the beginning

"But Jimin is right, we should at least thank Oceana for helping," Namjoon insisted with a smile. The others nodded as well. "That is unless if she and the other sirens left already. Then again, Oceana probably would have said something or texted one of us that they were leaving."

"They're probably with Y/N right now," Taehyung answered with an uncertain look, "Either that or they're checking on that scientist." The others nodded in agreement as they all took gulps of water entirely in sync with each other. "Ah, I'm out of water."

"Me too," Hoseok announced with a frown as he shook his water bottle up and down to see if there was any more water left, but only a couple of drips came out before nothing else did. The others did the same. "Let's get some more water quickly." The others nodded as they all stood up and started heading to the door.

"Boys, where are you going? We still have to practice," the choreographer voiced, stopping them.

"Don't worry, we'll be back. We're just getting more water," Namjoon explained briefly, earning a nod of understanding from the choreographer, "We won't be too long, we promise." Earning another nod from the choreographer, the members slipped out of the dance studio and headed down the hallway to the water fountain. They gathered around it and took turns filling up their water bottles. Once they were all done, they took big gulps of water to quench the last bit of their thirst. "Alright, let's head back now before we get an earful from the choreographer." The others nodded as they all went to go back to the dance studio, but stopped when they heard a familiar voice.

"Hello boys," a familiar voice said from behind them. They turned around swiftly to see Oceana walking towards them with a small smile on her face. They sent her small smiles back in return. When she was right in front of them, she looked them each up and down before raising an eyebrow. "You guys are sweaty. You working out?"

"Practicing choreography actually," Yoongi retorted back. The others nodded in agreement while Oceana nodded in understanding. "So what are you doing here? Aren't you and the other sirens leaving now that Y/N is safe again?"

"Eh, we're staying for another day or so just to make sure things stay in order before completely leaving," Oceana replied with a shrug. The members scowled a bit at this making her stifle a laugh. "Don't worry, we'll stay out of your hair. We're staying in a hotel."

"Are they back at the hotel? The other sirens?" Namjoon asked curiously as he took a sip of water. Oceana nodded in response as she stared at him for a brief moment. He noticed her stare and stared back at her before showing her a dimpled smile. Her eyes widened a bit before looked away feeling a bit flustered.

"Oceana, how's Y/N doing?" Jungkook asked curiously and bit worriedly. Oceana looked at Jungkook and smiled a bit.

"She's doing fine Jungkook. I checked on her earlier today. I think she's still a bit traumatized after what happened yesterday, but other than that she's doing well," Oceana reassured him with a comforting smile. Jungkook sighed relief and smiled a bit at the knowledge that Y/N was alright. "She told me and the others in the siren pod not to blame you for her getting captured since you weren't even there to stop it." The members stared at her when she said that before they looked away looking a bit uncomfortable.

"Honestly, we were there," Jimin answered looking a bit guilty. Oceana's eyes widened a bit before she looked at the members with a suspicious expression. "We arrived just as they were putting her into a truck."

"Then why didn't you stop them?!" Oceana's voice grew a bit louder as she eyed them with narrowed eyes.

"Jungkook wanted to, but we stopped him because we didn't want to cause a scene. If we attacked them then they could press charges against us and we would have ended up in jail. We wouldn't be able to protect Y/N behind bars," Hoseok explained simply as he scratched the back of his head. Oceana sent them a look with several emotions mixed in, but mostly exasperation.

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