Chapter 1

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"Goodbye, Mum! Bye Dad!" I hollered at the foggy train car window before I slid back into my seat. I heard a laugh from the bench across from me.

"It's your seventh year, Rose. When are you going to grow up?" my younger brother, Hugo, snorted. He was starting his fifth year at Hogwarts, and being fifteen, he was going through a "cool" phase.

"It would benefit you to be a bit more loving," I replied, a hint of frustration creeping into my tone.

He rolled his eyes and opened his mouth to respond, but the door to our cabin opened, stopping him in his tracks.

It was our cousins dragging their luggage behind them. I heard what sounded like someone knocking over an owl cage followed by loud screeching. Albus yelled, "Watch it, Lily!" For Albus to gripe at his beloved little sister over a tiny accident he would have had to be in a horrid mood.

I studied his face. Definitely something wrong.

He noticed my concerned expression. "Phoebe got mono and won't be able to come to Hogwarts until next month," he explained.

Phoebe Calloway was Albus' girlfriend of 11 months. She had a sweet personality that matched her beautiful brown curls and angelic features. She was starting her seventh year as Head Girl. I hoped she wouldn't lose her position.

"He griped about it the whole way to the station," Lily teased. She could be insensitive.

"Lily," I said, smiling. Her and Albus were definitely my favorite cousins but don't tell. We were all Gryffindors, so we had gotten closer over the years from sharing a common room. Lily was starting her fifth year with Hugo and although most people found her bossy and annoying, she had a sweet side that she only allowed a few to see. I was one of those few. "Are you excited yet?"

She sat down next to me and scooped up her cat, Snuggles, onto her lap. Everyone criticized the muggle name, but I have to admit, it appealed to me. I scratched him on his furry, black chin.

"I am so excited! Guess who sent me a letter this break." She buried her blushing face into Snuggles.

I took the growing redness in her cheeks as a sign. "Probably Ervin."

Albus paused the conversation he was having with Hugo and groaned. "Please don't say that name. I've had enough of it for the last three months. I might go find this guy if it continues, and that encounter won't be pretty."

He received a glare from his sister.

"Is he the one I caught you snogging at the quidditch match?" I asked teasingly.

"No," she said defensively. "That was Marvel."

"When did this happen?!" Albus shouted which made Hugo snort.

"Jumping on the bandwagon a little late there, eh buddy?" he joked. What a dork.

We all knew Lily was the most boy crazy girl at Hogwarts, but where we found it amusing, Albus found it to be a pain in the arse.

"Well, I heard you and Phoebe were up to something last Christmas, so you can't talk," Lily said quickly to take the spotlight off her love life.

He rolled his eyes. "Lily, we're dating. Obviously, I'm going to kiss her."

She pouted and I couldn't help but laugh at the both of them.

"No no no no, you can't laugh at us," Al said. "There's got to be someone you fancy." He thought for a moment before turning to Lily. "Lils, hit me with the juicy gossip!"

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