Chapter 4

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I woke up the next morning, dreary eyed and not rested at all. After the first hall patrol, I had volunteered to take the next.

I do not suggest waking up twice in the night to walk around a giant castle in the dark for an hour.

"Weasley!" yelled Malfoy from outside my room.

I yawned and stretched. "Why is he waking me up again?" I muttered as I threw off my covers and stomped over to my closet. I opened it forcefully before realizing I had never unpacked my clothes.

I picked up my wand from on top of my trunk, opened the trunk, and said, "Accio robes!" I was far too tired to do this without magic.

My Gryffindor robes came flying at me, knocking all of my things out of the trunk in the process.

"Oof!" The robes hit me in the face and I stumbled backward into the empty closet.

"What was that?" I heard Malfoy yell from the common room.

"Nothing!" I replied, determined not to let him know I'd been thrown into a closet by fabric. "I'm okay!" I yelled again as I tripped over my books and crashed into the hard floor.

I heard footsteps and a strange noise that sounded like someone sliding down a metal slope. Malfoy was cursing and yelling my name all at once.

I got up and hurried to my bedroom door. I opened it to see a very angry blond boy sitting at the bottom of the slide that used to be my stairs. "What are you doing?"

He stood and faced me, brushing off his robes and straightening his Slytherin tie. "Being noble and checking on you." His hair was sticking up funny.

I shot him a look. "I don't need your help, thank you very much."

He scoffed and looked me over.

"What are you staring at?" I looked down and realized I was still in my pajamas, then I felt my hair and realized it was tangled in a million places. A blush crept onto my cheeks.

I turned angrily on my heels, escaped into my room, and slammed the door behind me.

Stupid Malfoy.

After getting dressed and cautiously straightening, but not brushing, my uncooperative curls, I went downstairs. Malfoy was, unfortunately, nowhere in sight, otherwise I would have had a few words for him.

I glared at the metal snake sculpture on the bookshelf instead. "Reducto." No more snake.

I turned to the walls next and made them scarlet and gold instead of that nasty green that Malfoy had made them. I made the rug re-embroider itself with lions and I replaced a couple couches with gold beanbags.

Feeling awfully pleased with myself, I strolled confidently out of the common room and into the hall.

I was walking away when a sudden idea hit me.

I thought for a moment before pointing my wand at the double doors for our common room and changed the password to "Malfoy stinks."

I giggled childishly as I made my way to the prefect meeting place.

"What are you so happy about?" my friend, Iris, asked as she walked up beside me, taking me by surprise.

I opened the door to the empty classroom where the prefects were waiting. "Oh, nothing."

Iris gave me a hug before going through the door that I was holding open for her. She was sweet, with dark skin, short black hair, and a thick French accent. I had met her last year when I had been a Gryffindor prefect and she had transferred from Beauxbatons Academy of Magic into my house. Now she was a prefect herself.

I followed her into the room and found, to my surprise, that Malfoy was already there. He paused his speech to watch me awkwardly slide into place beside him at the front of the room.

"You're late, Miss Weasley," he said teasingly. "Such bad behavior from our Head Girl."

There were a few laughs from the prefects.

Did he just-

"Shut up," I whispered, smiling at the room to cover it.

Malfoy smirked. "Make me," he whispered before continuing loudly, "As I was saying before we were interrupted, the first years will need escorted to breakfast today. You will need to stand in the halls later to make sure they get to their classes, and it's alright if you're late to class. You're prefects now." He smiled charmingly and got some more laughs.

"But don't make it a habit!" I said quickly.

We glared at each other for a moment.

"That's all I have to say," Malfoy finished.

Chatter erupted.

"You've got a lot of nerve, Malfoy," I grumbled when the attention was off of us.

He winked. "Walk with me?" he said gesturing to the door.

I narrowed my eyes at him, trying to figure out if it was a trick.


"Sure," I agreed slowly.

The hallways were empty and our footsteps echoed on the stone floors. I looked around and smiled. This was my home.

Next to me, Malfoy sighed. He seemed distracted.

"What are you thinking about?" I asked and then deciding it was weird to ask him that, I followed up with, "I mean, you don't have to say."

He hesitated for a second. "Nothing really, only my father."


Before I could say something else, there came a blood curdling scream from around the corner.

I turned to look at Scorpius and found that he was staring back at me with a shocked expression. We hurried toward the scream.

"Help!" a very frightened little girl wearing Slytherin robes screeched when she saw us. She was standing with her back pressed tightly to the stone wall. A huge, black dog slowly approached her, snarling. It radiated fear and despair.

I gasped. Its eyes were so red that they reflected off the girl's glasses.

"What is that thing?" I whispered.

Then, suddenly, the dog turned on its heels and ran.

"Hey!" Malfoy shouted. He ran after the dog.

I rushed over to the girl, who was now bawling her eyes out, and hugged her. "It's okay. It's gone."

"I didn't even see it walk up behind me. I just turned around and it was there," she cried.

"Hey, what's going on?" Iris asked. She was running toward us, her Gryffindor robe flying behind her. "I heard a scream."

The first year girl rubbed her eyes and sniffed. "There was a dog. I'm okay now."

"A dog?" Iris questioned. She glanced at me for confirmation.

I nodded. "I'll explain later. Come on," I said, grabbing the girl's hand. "Let's find McGonagall."

Malfoy came moping back to us. "I couldn't find it. The bloody thing disappeared."

Where could the dog have gone?

"I swear I'm reliving my parents' lives," I muttered. "Come on," I said a little louder.

We hurried to find McGonagall.

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